These ideas include those of (1) the metaphysic of number and the conception that reality, including music and astronomy, is, at its deepest level, mathematical in nature; (2) the use of philosophy as a means of spiritual purification; (3) the heavenly destiny of the soul and the possibility of its rising to union with ...
The Ionian School includes the earliest Greek philosophers, who lived at Miletus, an Ionian colony in Asia Minor, during the sixth century B.C., and a group of ...
Ionian school, pre-Socratic group of Greek philosophers of the 6th and 5th cent. BC; most of them were born in Ionia. Its members were primarily concerned ...
The Ionian school includes the Earlier Ionians, -- Thales, Anaximander, and Anaximenes, -- and the Later Ionians, whose proper historical place is after the ...
Ionian school, pre-Socratic group of Greek philosophers of the 6th and 5th cent. b.c.; most of them were born in Ionia. Its members were primarily concerned ...
The Ionian school of philosophy was founded by Thales. Thales, known as Thales of Miletus (c. 624- c. 548 BC), was a Greek mathematician, astronomer philosopher ...
The Ionian School is often synonymous with the philosopher Thales of Miletus. Renowned for his belief that water is the essence of all life, Thales' proposition ...
philosophical insights on God, world and human beings. Most of these philosophers belonged to the Ionian School active at Miletus (hence some of them are ...
The epoch of this school was from 600 to 400 BC. The Ionian school was materialistic, and empiric; speculated on the outer world, its origin, nature, cause, ...
This man [Thales] is supposed to be the originator of philosophy, and from him the Ionian school gets its name. It became the longest tradition in philosophy.