"Impiety" -wikipedia (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... impiety on three levels, as not only may it be viewed as dishonouring the memory of Anne Frank by transforming her ... impiety as, freed from an immediate connection to the event, third-generation authors are able to adopt a diversity of ...
"Impiety" -wikipedia (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... impiety suggest that it is necessary to move beyond thinking of the post-Holocaust present in the restrictive and suffocating terms of “no longer possibles.” Surprisingly, perhaps, they may be seen as attempts to explore new, more ...
"Impiety" -wikipedia (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... impiety, which tends to take the shape of brutal sincerity masquerading as its exact opposite. The death of memory: Art Spiegelman, Maus This book describes a steady shift in artistic responses to the Holocaust: this can broadly be read ...
"Impiety" -wikipedia (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Impiety and Resistance Is it possible to map regional patterns of impiety and resistance? What were the variables that determined how, when, and where defanaticization campaigns were implemented? Both Knight and Meyer identify broad ...
"Impiety" -wikipedia (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... the late Judgment of the Privy Council cannot be said to deny our Faith , because it allows us to teach what we believe , and have always hitherto taught , about the actual conveyance of regeneration THE IMPIETY OF BARTERING FAITH ...
"Impiety" -wikipedia (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... ; but it goes into by - places , and hides it felf in fecret Corners . And Pretenders to it are for the most Shy of difcourfing the Principles of it with Learned Perfons . 5 THE THE IMPIETY OF Judicial ASTROLOGY , He Impiety as well [ 13 ]
"Impiety" -wikipedia (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... IMPIETY & IMMORALITY OF THE ENGLISH STAGE , Table of Contents WITH Reasons for putting a Stop thereto: and some Questions Addrest to those who frequent the Play-Houses. The Third Edition. LONDON, Printed, and are to be Sold by J. Nutt ...
"Impiety" -wikipedia (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Impiety & Immorality OF THE English Stage . T HE various Methods that have been used for Preventing the out- ragious and insufferable Disorders of the STAGE , having been in a great measure defeated : It is thought proper , under our ...
"Impiety" -wikipedia (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... impiety , of which he was a ftrenuous advocate , by that demeanor ; as by making oc- cafionally , the myfteries of the Chriftian religion , and the dictates of reafon , appear contrary , and irreconcileable to each other ; under the ...
"Impiety" -wikipedia (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Impiety of the Stage , the Guilt of fuch as frequent it , and the Neceffity of putting a Stop thereto , either by a total Suppreffion of the Play- Houfes , as was done in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth , or by a Suspension for fome ...