"Province of Saxony" -wikipedia (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... ( Province of Saxony ) . 2. Verwaltungsbezirke Weimar , Apolda , and Eisenach of the Grand Duchy of Saxony . 3. Duchy of Saxe - Gotha , with the exception of Volkenroda . 4. Amtsgerichtsbezirk Arnstadt ( Principality of Schwarz- burg ...
"Province of Saxony" -wikipedia (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... ( Province of Saxony ) . 2. Verwaltungsbezirke Weimar , Apolda , and Eisenach of the Grand Duchy of Saxony . 3. Duchy of Saxe - Gotha , with the exception of Volkenroda . 4. Amtsgerichtsbezirk Arnstadt ( Principality of Schwarz- burg ...
"Province of Saxony" -wikipedia (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Province of Saxony ) . 5. Exclave of Volkenroda ( Duchy of Saxe - Coburg- Gotha ) . 6. Kreise of Ebeleben and Sondershausen ( Principality of Schwarzburg - Sondershausen ) . Chemnitz . 1. Kreishauptmannschaft of Chemnitz . 2 ...
"Province of Saxony" -wikipedia (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... province of Saxony in 1238.47 Eccleston pithily remarks that Elias's carnalitas et crudelitas had disturbed the whole order. The latter's twelve faults were enumerated by Salimbene of Adam, who comments that the ministers provincial ...
"Province of Saxony" -wikipedia (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... province of Saxony on the Saale , the Mulde , and the lower Bode ; and in Brandenburg on the Oder and elsewhere . The most important beds of iron ore are in the circle of Siegen ( in Westphalia ) , in the province of the Rhine , on the ...
"Province of Saxony" -wikipedia (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... province of Saxony on the Saale , the Mulde , and the lower Bode ; and in Brandenburg on the Oder and elsewhere . The most important beds of iron ore are in the circle of Siegen ( in Westphalia ) , in the province of the Rhine , on the ...
"Province of Saxony" -wikipedia (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Province of Saxony . Province of Silesia Province of Westphalia Province of Rhine Province of Hohenzollern Province of Hanover Province of Hesse - Nassau 1 , 105 16 69 1 852 1 12 852 6 216 405 17 21 83 3 123 1 108 11 1,063 6 9 403 1 212 ...
"Province of Saxony" -wikipedia (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Province of Saxony . 216 Province of Silesia 405 21 Province of Westphalia 83 3 Province of Rhine 123 1 Province of Schleswig - Holstein . 1,063 6 403 1 212 5 3 3 3 16 1 33 17 2785 128 537 412 949 319 837 689 1,526 3 2710 752 457 1 ...
"Province of Saxony" -wikipedia (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Province of Saxony 220 1 5 Province of Silesia . 536 1 25 2 31 191 80 271 1 1 125 420 275 695 Province of Westphalia .. 115 1 1 33 100 50 150 Province of Rhine 176 2 4 1 5 Province of Hohenzollern . 5 3 2 5 Province of Schleswig ...
"Province of Saxony" -wikipedia (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Province of Saxony . 216 Province of Silesia 405 21 Province of Westphalia 83 Province of Rhine . : . 123 Province of Hohenzollern 11 Province of Schleswig - Holstein . 1,063 6 Province of Hanover 403 1 Province of Hesse - Nassau 212 ...