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"Robert Southey" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Robert Southey, an English poet and man and Wordsworth William of contemporary of letters- a contemporary of William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge. A 20th century visitor to the English La ce Country inay go there primarily ...
"Robert Southey" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Robert Southey. "I mean uiy auntand cousin. They are in reduced circumstances, and I understand Annie has got BO far down that she takes work at the shops. You smile, and I suppose you think I ought to know more about them, but I assure ...
"Robert Southey" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Robert Southey as presuming to lecture the public upon sciences of which he had " still the very alphabet to learn." Southey always deemed the realm of poetry, his own special forte, In this he was egregi- ously at fault. Some modern ...
"Robert Southey" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Robert Southey. "The nurse was telling us about it. It's a, great big island, and all the mountains, as I told you, are made of gingerbread and candy!" This made the eyes of Robert's two little playmates gleam, and their mouths watered ...
"Robert Southey" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Robert Southey his childhood stories, first recounted the hear tale to his nephew. But instead of the fair-haired Goldilocks, it was a little old woman who entered the bears' domain, and barely escaped with her life. When he was 63 ...
"Robert Southey" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Robert Southey, served. Col. and Mrs. Trew were passing through to Wellington, which they may decide to make their future home. During the ship's stay in port Col. and Mrs. Trew were entertained by Captain and Mrs. Robert Southey, who ...
"Robert Southey" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Robert Southey, is far from happy. And he blames the Australia Council's Theatre Board — the main channel of federal funding to the performing arts — for his unhappiness. In the Australian Ballet's 1985 annual report, published ...
"Robert Southey" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Robert Southey, and Walter Savage Landor i tho crowded fandienoe deeply attentive. When Coleridge returned to Bristol, from the journey among tho mountains of Wales, whoro he got that unmatched imago of thirst which parches tho Ancient ...
"Robert Southey" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Robert Southey, former Federal president of the Liberal Party, died yesterday at her Mount Eliza home. She was 57. Sir Robert and Lady Southey returned to Australia about a month ago from London, where Sir Robert had open heart surgery ...
"Robert Southey" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Robert Southey, Esq. Poet Lauieate, in '2 vols. Uowper's work's complete — The works of William Cowper, comprising his poems, correspondence and translations, with life of the author, bv the editcr Robert Southey, Poet Laureate, foe ...