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Fusion: The Energy of the Universe

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"Fusion: The Energy of the Universe, 2e" is an essential reference providing basic principles of fusion energy from its history to the issues and realities progressing from the present day energy crisis. The book provides detailed developments and applications for researchers entering the field of fusion energy research. This second edition includes the latest results from the National Ignition Facility at the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory at Livermore, CA, and the progress on the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) tokamak programme at Caderache, France.
Comprehensive coverage- basic principles, detailed developments and practical applicationsWide accessibility, but with sufficient detail to keep the technical reader engagedDetails the initial discovery of nuclear fusion, current attempts to create nuclear fusion here on earth and today's concern over future energy supplyColor illustrations and examplesIncludes technical notes for aspiring physicists

248 pages, Paperback

First published January 31, 2005

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Garry McCracken

2 books1 follower

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4 reviews
September 12, 2020
Non technical overview

If you are looking for a good overview of plasma physics and fusion without the math, this is your book. Easy reading.
Profile Image for Dennis Lo.
5 reviews
June 28, 2008
I don't believe that I can understand the structure and the operation of a Hydrogen bomb before I've read this book, it is a concise and an easy understanding book. It can concisely describe what is going on in the DT fusion. This book brings me breathtaking on our Sun and the Universe. The matter we can see, and we can touch is made from fusion in stars but not from the Big Bang. The Big Bang just proved a massive cloud of Hydrogen.
This book is also a history book of science. It links the Quantum Physics, General Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Astronomic and Electric all to gather. Finally, it introduce a man make Sun to solve our energy shortage problem -- the Fusion power plant!
Unbelievable, I can't put it down once I have it on hand!
Profile Image for Cyprien.
2 reviews1 follower
September 7, 2020
I find this book well written and pretty clear. the different chapter are well organize and well order. This books is really accessible and the author put the hard stuff in special box. you don't have to read the details and equations if you are not interested.
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