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Geography - History and Concepts: A Student′s Guide

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Totally revised and updated, the Third Edition of this bestselling textbook is the definitive introduction to the history, philosophy and methodology of human geography. The book is organized into five an historical overview of the discipline and an explanation of its organization; an examination of geography from Antiquity to the early modern period; an analysis of paradigm shifts and the quantitative revolution; discussions of postivism, empiricism, structuration theory, realism and postmodernism; and finally an introduction to core themes and concepts in current geographical thought including space, place and feminism.

248 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1980

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About the author

Arild Holt-Jensen

7 books1 follower

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12 reviews2 followers
September 19, 2010
I like to pick up a textbook now and then to learn something new. What I learned from this book is that geography is its own dicipline, but encompasses many different disciplines at the same time. More profoundly, I came to realize how academic philosphies are affected by political philosphies, and that this inter-relatedness is at the center of all scientific pursuits.
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