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Teachings of the Hindu Mystics

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This anthology collects the most lyrical, passionate, illuminating writings of the Hindu mystical tradition. Andrew Harvey, the popular spiritual scholar and writer, has selected excerpts from ancient and contemporary sources, including extracts from the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads, and other classical Hindu texts; the words of such venerable spiritual teachers as Ramakrishna and Ramana Maharshi; and the devotional poetry of Mirabai, Ramprasad, and many others. The scope of this anthology makes it a marvelous introduction to Hindu mystical literature, while the power and beauty of the language will inspire those already familiar with the genre.

192 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2001

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About the author

Andrew Harvey

175 books86 followers
Andrew Harvey is an author, religious scholar and teacher of mystic traditions, known primarily for his popular nonfiction books on spiritual or mystical themes, beginning with his 1983 A Journey in Ladakh.

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87 reviews29 followers
July 19, 2010
Great book with excerpts from all the great Hindu books including the Vedas, the Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita. Also includes quotes from the various saints from Tukaram to Kabir and from Ramakrishna Paramhansa, Vivekananda,Tagore and Aurobindo.

Not the kind of book you read cover to cover. This is the kind of book you would like to read over and over again and read selected portions. Recommend to anyone who is looking for some spiritual inspiration.
216 reviews
May 29, 2021
Some good verses or paragraphs here and there but otherwise quite dry in parts. I wonder if commentaries by the editor would help a bit. Still a good exposure to some of the important texts and writers on Hinduism.
172 reviews11 followers
July 22, 2019
Mostly very good, but like most people, probably, there are some readings that don't appeal to me.
Profile Image for Köksal KÖK .
661 reviews74 followers
May 22, 2015
Mistik Hind'in Hazineleri

Teaching of the Hindu Mystics
Andrew Harvey, 2001.

Çevirmen : Nasip Ak-asya
Yayınevi: Samsara kitapları, 2004
Kategori: Çeviri / Mitoloji
208 sayfa.

Akaşa-Esir-Ether-5. Element.


-Brahman-Yüceler Yücesi-Kaadiri Mutlak-Hak Teala.

-Kali-İlahi Ana-Evrensel Anne-Mahaşakti-Yüce Şakti-Şakti-Tara-Şyam-İlahi Kudret.

-Vedalar-Bilgi-Tanrı Kelamı.

-En Yüce Dünya Ana-Aşkındoğa-Supernature.

kitaptan bazı kavramlar;

-akaşa (bunlar 5 unsur)

-prana (yaşam enerjisi)
-7 bileşen
-5 koşa
-6 ihtiras
-10 duygu.

Kitaptan Anahtar Kelimeler;

-Yunus Emre,
-Neyzen Tevfik,

Artık Şu Havuzun Suyuyla Ganj'ın Suyu Arasında Hiç Bir Ayrım Yapmadığında, Yetkin Farkındalığa Ermiş Olduğunu Bilirsin.

(Anladığıma Göre Değerli Üstad, Her Yer Kutsaldır Demek İstiyor).
Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 reviews

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