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Benedict de Spinoza was one of the great rationalists of 17th century philosophy, he helped lay the groundwork for the 18th century Enlightenment and modern biblical criticism. His correspondences help shed light on his ethical opinions and positions. Required reading for those who wish a deeper understanding of the writings of Benedict de Spinoza.

136 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1995

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Baruch Spinoza

898 books1,779 followers
Controversial pantheistic doctrine of Dutch philosopher and theologian Baruch Spinoza or Benedict advocated an intellectual love of God; people best know Ethics , his work of 1677.

People came considered this great rationalist of 17th century.

In his posthumous magnum opus, he opposed mind–body dualism of René Descartes and earned recognition of most important thinkers of west. This last indisputable Latin masterpiece, which Spinoza wrote, finally turns and entirely destroys the refined medieval conceptions.

After death of Baruch Spinoza, often Benedictus de Spinoza, people realized not fully his breadth and importance until many years. He laid the ground for the 18th-century Enlightenment and modern Biblical criticism, including conceptions of the self and arguably the universe. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel said of all contemporaries, "You are either a Spinozist or not a philosopher at all."

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Profile Image for Julio Pino.
1,170 reviews80 followers
December 28, 2023
"You wretched pigmy...You arrogant heathen!".---Letter to Baruch Spinoza from a former student who had converted to Roman Catholicism.
"I believe in Spinoza's God, who takes no interest in his creation".---Albert Einstein
The fates decided that Spinoza, the most gentle and lovable of all philosophers, should arouse the most heated passions from Church, state, and mediocre philosophers and wannabes. Spinoza was excommunicated from Judaism by his fellow Jews in the Netherlands, wrongly condemned as an atheist by his Dutch Christian compatriots and mostly misunderstood up until today. This "Correspondence" should help the uninitiated come to terms with one of the greatest minds who ever lived; a quiet soul who profoundly influenced Nietzsche, Freud, and Einstein. Here is the fighting yet quiet lens-grinder of Amsterdam explaining his concept of a pantheist God. "God exists necessarily and his existence can be proven mathematically". For that very reason, God is not the Creator conceived by monotheistic religions. He is the "only true substance, eternal and infinite", and thus never apart from his creation. "God is the sum of all physical laws". See where the charge of atheism crept in, from both Jews and Christians? Even hotter is Spinoza's claim in these letters that free will is an illusion, both in the physical and psychological spheres. Numerous correspondents accuse Big Baruch of excusing sin and evil this way: "The sinner couldn't help it". Spinoza is the ultimate determinist. "Past, present, and future have no meaning outside of our minds". No wonder Einstein found him a congenial fellow. To Spinoza's rhetorical question, "What choice did God have in creating the universe?" Einstein answered like a good disciple of the Master, "None at all". The "Correspondence" reads like a first-class conversation with a big, beautiful, broad, loving mind.
P.S. Post-Spinoza: Spokesmen for the Jewish community in Holland claim the excommunication of Spinoza can never be revoked. For starters, there is no one around today with the authority to revoke the harem. Nevertheless, he is now honored, particularly by secular Jews, as one of the most important Jewish voices of all times; a second Moses or Maimonides.
Profile Image for Hakan.
215 reviews170 followers
September 4, 2017
spinoza felsefesini anlamak için eşsiz bir kaynak. spinoza mektuplarında hem ethica ile teolojik-politik inceleme'nin zor kısımlarını kolaylaştırıyor hem de mektuplar fikir alışverişi ve tartışma içerdiği için aktif, dinamik bir okuma sağlıyor. dost kitabevi'nin çevirisi, notları ve açıklamalarıyla özenli bir baskı sunduğunu da belirtmek gerek. ilgilisine tavsiye ederim kesinlikle.
Profile Image for Raquel.
391 reviews
October 31, 2020
"Pela decisão dos anjos e julgamento dos santos, excomungamos, expulsamos, execramos e maldizemos Baruch de Espinosa... Maldito seja de dia e maldito seja de noite; maldito seja quando se deita e maldito seja quando se levanta; maldito seja quando sai, maldito seja quando regressa... Ordenamos que ninguém mantenha com ele comunicação oral ou escrita, que ninguém lhe preste favor algum, que ninguém permaneça com ele sob o mesmo teto ou a menos de quatro jardas, que ninguém leia algo escrito ou transcrito por ele." [texto de excomunhão de Espinosa, promulgada pela comunidade judaica de Amesterdão em 27 de julho de 1656]

Apesar disto, Espinosa sobreviveu ao tempo, embora tenha caído num certo esquecimento em certos círculos contemporâneos.

Um dos mais brilhantes pensadores europeus, com origens portuguesas, aderiu desde cedo ao cartesianismo, mantendo uma forte proximidade com o novo racionalismo do século XVII, incorporando a velha máxima de Descartes "de omnibus dubitandum" [duvida de tudo], merecendo um lugar de destaque perto de Descartes e Gottfried Leibniz.

A correspondência mostra-nos um homem culto, firme e desapossado de superstições. Ao contrário do que é afirmado, Espinosa não foi um eremita silencioso e apagado, mas um homem que ousou falar e escrever até ao fim.

Muito bom. De certa forma, uma boa introdução à obra de Espinosa e ao seu pensamento metafísico, político e social.
Profile Image for Alexand.
76 reviews2 followers
December 29, 2023
الكتاب يتناول رسائل اسبينوزا مع اصحابه و مجموعة ناس ما فهمت كتبه و غيره من المراسلات بعض الأحيان تكون اطمئنان على الاصدقاء
لكن اكثر الرسائل تميل للنقاش المعرفي و في منه رسائل تهديد او استتابة , بعد الكفر عمله ,

1 فائدة هل الرسائل ممكن في فهم قيمة ان ترسل رسال لشخص و اسقاطه على التواصل اجتماعي على سبيل المثال , و نطور من خلاله

2 تطوير مفهوم النقاش في الرسائل و تجنب العيوب نفسه

3 فتج جوانب جديدة للمثقف و فهم اصلا حياة الناس في تلك الفترة ما بعد الوسيط , و حتى مشاهدة الغضب في النقاش من اكبر الفلاسفة
و كيف ممكن يشتم و يسب , بسبب احساسه ان الاخر عبي او متخلف , فهذي الاشياء طبيعية بين البشر , ممكن بالفترة الحالية صار في تركيز
عليه حتى يتم تجنبه

4 من النقاشات عجبتني من هنري , خاصة هذا الشخص كان صادق في المعرفة و سأل اسبينوزا سؤال عميق جدا حول القدرية
اسبينوزا يقول ان كل شيء مقدر من الله , فيسأل دام كل شيء من طبيعية الله , طيب كيف نفرق بين الشرير و الطيب او كيف اوصف
شخص انه شرير من الأساس دام كل شيء مقدر من الأساس و ماله ذنب بالموضوع

5 اعتقد عند اسبينوزا لا يوجد خير او شر لكن توجد حالة افضل من حالة , حالة عدم القتل افضل من حالة القتل , فالانسان يبحث عن الكمال
داخل صيرورات و احوال مختلفة

6 اميل لفكرة ان اسبينوزا كان يريد قتل كل الاديان في مقتل و توحيد البشر و تجنب العصبيات و الاصولية و الفوقية الدينية , بنفس الوقت
عدم قتل الايمان الالهي في البشر و هذا طبيعي لمفكر تربى في اسرة دينية انه لا يريد هدم كل بنيته النفسية , معني اشعر ان اسبينوزا كنه يريد
قتل الاله او جعله مجرد كلمة تلفظ لكن ليس له تأثير على ارض الواقع في شيء

8 بشكل عام النقاشات عجبتني جدا و كثير مفاهيم فلسفية تبنت عندي و المترجم ما قصر في الشرح لكل المصطلحات الفلسفية اعتقد راعى
ان الكتاب يدخل في ادب المراسلات و توقع من بعض الناس عير مهتمة بالفلسفة تدخله , و اعطاني مرجع مفيد

9 على العموم كتاب استفدت منه خبرة حياتية في الحوار اكثر من الافكار نفسه و كيف يتكون النقاش و الصبر و عدم الغضب
و التركيز على الموضوع لا الشخصنة على الفرد نفسه
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