Oak Ridge: Medical isotope producer to be built on decontaminated land near old uranium production plant

The Department of Energy transferred 206 acres of previously contaminated land to Coquí Radio Pharmaceuticals Corp., which produces medical isotopes.

Isotopes are a member of a family of chemical elements that have the same number of protons and electrons, but a different number of neutrons. Radioactive isotopes can provide diagnostic information on patient conditions or be used to treat medical conditions like cancer, because they can destroy targeted cells. 

East Tennessee Technology Park is location for new facility 

Coquí plans to build a $500 million medical isotope production facility on the land, which includes a once-contaminated area of the East Tennessee Technology Park called "Duct Island." 

“This land acquisition provides many advantages," said Carmen Bigles, Coquí founder and CEO. "Oak Ridge is home to several DOE and TVA nuclear facilities, providing a strong nuclear and engineering workforce."

The Department of Energy decontaminated the land after the old K-25 Gaseous Diffusion Plant shut down and turned the parcel back over to the Community Reuse Organization of East Tennessee for reindustrialization. 

"This development highlights the potential of the East Tennessee Technology Park, and it marks a giant leap toward achieving our vision at the site," said Oak Ridge Environmental Management spokesman Ben Williams.

"Through our environmental cleanup and transfers at the East Tennessee Technology Park, we are changing a costly federal liability into an economic asset for the community and region."

More:K-25 cleanup: Eyes on contractor UCOR's 2020 vision

More:Manager of former K-25 site to get remaining land

Isotope plant will be first of its kind

Coquí's facility will be the first isotope production facility of its kind, focusing primarily on the production of molybdenum-99 isotopes. 

Mo-99 is the most widely used medical isotope in the world. It's used in 18 million medical procedures a year in the United States, aiding in the diagnosis and treatment of brain, heart, lung, liver, renal, oncologic and muscle skeletal diseases.  

More:Cure for some cancers found in an Oak Ridge National Lab waste container

More:Oak Ridge National Lab producing isotopes to fight prostate cancer

The United States has no Mo-99 production capability yet and relies on aging facilities in other countries to produce and import the isotope, but many such facilities are closing down. 

Import shortages can deprive patients from receiving lifesaving diagnostics and treatment, the company said in a news release.

"The sooner we can begin producing U.S.-made Mo-99, the sooner we can minimize our dependency on foreign imports to meet critical U.S. medical needs," Bigles said. 

Coquí Radio Pharmaceuticals founder and CEO Carmen Bigles said her company's medical isotope production facility will create more than 200 permanent high-paying jobs in East Tennessee.

Research partnership is key

Coquí’s parcel at the Heritage Center Industrial Park is near the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Y-12 National Security Complex, where DOE has funded Coquí’s Mo-99 isotope target plate fabrication and qualification research. 

“This research partnership is critical and supports our efforts to obtain Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Food and Drug Administration approvals for the facility," Bigles said.

"By growing our company in Oak Ridge, we can leverage world-class research assets like Oak Ridge National Lab and the Y-12 National Security Complex.”

Design of Coquí’s facility is being led by INVAP, the world’s leading designer and developer of medical isotope production facilities. Coquí has an exclusive license with INVAP to use its technology in the United States.

The facility is expected to be fully operational in 2025 and will provide more than 200 high-paying permanent jobs.