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September 12, 2018

Mail on Sunday appoints new political editor as Simon Walters moves to Daily Mail as assistant editor

By Charlotte Tobitt

Mail on Sunday deputy political editor Glen Owen has been promoted to political editor.

Owen replaces Simon Walters, who has moved across to the Daily Mail as assistant editor (politics) after almost 20 years with the Sunday paper.

Walters has been named political journalist of the year at the Society of Editors Press Awards four times, most recently in March this year.

His investigations include the Kids Company and “Tatler Tory” bullying scandals and he is also known for candid interviews with the likes of David Cameron, George Osborne, Ed Balls, Liz Kendall, Vince Cable and Camila Batmanghelidjh.

A spokesperson for the newspapers confirmed the two appointments but declined to comment further.

The line-up changes come at a time of reshuffles as former Mail on Sunday editor Geordie Greig took over from Paul Dacre as Daily Mail editor last week.

The first edition of the Mail on Sunday under Ted Verity, formerly deputy editor, was published this weekend.

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Verity axed Rachel Johnson’s column, who said she “completely understand he wants to put his own mark on the paper”.

Meanwhile head of sport for the Mail titles Lee Clayton announced last week he was leaving after 14 years to head up Talksport.

Picture: Reuters/Toby Melville 

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