Table 1 Four categories of function in Sina Weibo.

From: Beyond structural inequality: a socio-technical approach to the digital divide in the platform environment

Category of functions

Target users

Button designs

Physical properties

Basic functions

(post-Weibo, comment, forward, hashtags, like)

All ordinary and head users, both individual and organizational.

Appears visually in the upper right corner of the user interface and beneath each tweet with a commonly recognized icon.

The most traditional functions of social media platforms, including the production, circulation, dissemination, and browsing of information.

Simplified functions

(quick forward, forward while commenting)

Heavy or interest-based users aiming to expand their network and increase exposure to specific content.

Placed in the collapsed area of the forwarding function, and users can manually select “Comment at the same time” when editing forwarded text content.

In line with the reading habits of users in the fragmented era, and can save the cost of browsing and sharing information.

Multimedia functions

(Weibo storiesa, Weibo videos)

Users with advanced content creation skills.

Placed in the upper right corner of the user interface, within the plus area, and in the collapsed area where the original text content was created.

Enrich the content in forms other than words.

Topic functions

(Weibo articlesb, super-topic community)

KOL or organizational accounts known for their original content.

Weibo Articles is situated towards the later section of the Post-Weibo collapsible area.

Super-topic community is confined within the page for editing original textual content, or in the second section at the bottom of the user interface.

Gather users with the same interests and specialized knowledge to promote communication among homogeneous groups.

  1. aWeibo stories have been officially merged into the Weibo video channels in 2022. This questionnaire was conducted in 2021, when Weibo stories were still in use.
  2. bWeibo articles were officially integrated into the Headlines articles in 2022, with no significant changes in their basic properties and purposes.