Professor Sir Joseph Rotblat

Professor Sir Joseph Rotblat, who died on Wednesday aged 96, was the only scientist during the Second World War to leave the Los Alamos atomic bomb development programme - the Manhattan Project - for reasons of personal conscience.

Rotblat was then among the foremost nuclear physicists of the day and had joined the Project team in early 1944, supposing that the work was for the benefit of mankind. With his colleagues, he believed that nuclear fission could release vast energy, making the creation of an atomic bomb possible - and that it was vital to establish this ahead of the Germans.

Although, even then, actual use of an atomic bomb was unthinkable to Rotblat, he considered it paramount that the Allies possess it. "I believed," he recalled years later, "that we had to develop the bomb as a deterrent to the Germans who, we believed - wrongly - were also developing the bomb." The scales fell from his eyes at a dinner he attended with General Leslie R Groves, head of the Manhattan Project.

"It was at this time," Rotblat explained, "that Groves mentioned that the real purpose in making the bomb was to subdue the Soviets. I was terribly shocked. "

In the summer of 1944, intelligence reports revealed that the Germans had made little progress towards building an atomic bomb, and it seemed that Germany was in any case heading for defeat by the Allies.

Rotblat asked to leave the Project and, as the authorities found it impossible to substantiate their suspicions that he might be a spy, he undertook to remain silent about the bomb and returned to Liverpool University, where he had been working before the war.

After the war, and the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, he became interested in the possible medical applications of nuclear physics. In 1949 he joined the staff of St Bartholomew's Hospital Medical College (London University), and in 1950 became Professor of Physics there.

He also became a prominent opponent of the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Believing that scientists should bear personal responsibility for their discoveries, in 1955 he was one of the 11 signatories, along with Einstein and Bertrand Russell, of a manifesto calling for scientists of all nations to meet and devise ways of avoiding nuclear war.

The first such meeting took place in Canada in 1957, at Pugwash, a remote village on the coast of Nova Scotia. Since then the informal, discreet gatherings of like-minded scientists who meet to exchange views on the application of science and on other world affairs have been known as Pugwash Conferences. These became an influence behind the scenes in arms control and disarmament treaties, and Rotblat was involved in all of them.

He brought a hard, rational quality to the language of disarmament, and called on the creators of nuclear weapons to consider, without flinching, the implications of their discoveries. He poured scorn on the speculative, publicity-orientated claims of both advocates and opponents of nuclear weapons.

In 1970 he dismissed claims by an American professor that fall-out from nuclear tests might have killed 500,000 infants in their first year of life. He called the controversial government handbook Protect and Survive "quite sensible" within the context of a limited nuclear war, but added: "Since I do not accept the concept of limited nuclear war, it is a fallacy."

Bertrand Russell wrote in his autobiography of Rotblat's "courage and integrity and complete self-abnegation", and said of his stand on disarmament: "If ever these evils are eradicated his name should stand very high indeed among the heroes."

In 1995, aged 86, Rotblat was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, jointly with Pugwash, for his efforts over the previous half century to stop the manufacture and spread of nuclear weapons.

Joseph Rotblat was born into a Polish Jewish family in Warsaw on November 4 1908, the fifth of seven children. His father was a prosperous paper merchant until the business collapsed during the First World War. Reduced to near starvation, the Rotblats sold vodka they had distilled illegally at home.

After the war, still penniless, young Joseph worked as an electrician during the day and in the evenings studied for a Physics degree at Warsaw University. He graduated in 1932, and while studying for his doctorate worked in the Radiation Laboratory of Warsaw.

In early 1939, having completed his doctorate, Rotblat was invited to England, to work at Liverpool University with the physicist James Chadwick, who in 1932 had discovered the neutron.

By the time Rotblat arrived at Chadwick's laboratory in March, he had a wife - Tola Gryn, whom he had recently married in Poland. Initially, he could not afford to bring his wife to England, so he was delighted when Chadwick secured him a fellowship with a small stipend, providing him with just enough extra income to support Tola in Liverpool.

In the summer of 1939, he went to Poland to collect her. But at the beginning of September he had to return to England on his own, because Tola, recuperating from appendicitis, was not yet well enough to travel. Two days after he left Poland the Germans invaded and he never saw Tola again.

"I tried for years to find out what had happened to her, but I never did," he said. "She died in one of the camps, I imagine." There were no children of the marriage and Rotblat never remarried.

It was in 1943 that the Americans and British joined in a concerted effort to create an atomic bomb. Foreign members of the team were expected to take either American or British citizenship, but Rotblat, who still hoped to return to his native Poland, declined. General Groves waived the stipulation for Rotblat, who then went to Los Alamos in 1944.

Rotblat returned to Liverpool as acting director of Chadwick's laboratory. After the war, he decided not to return to Communist Poland and in 1946 was granted British citizenship. From then on he devoted much time to opposing the militarisation or misuse of science and technology, calling on his fellow scientists not to abdicate their social responsibilities. He was not opposed to nuclear power as such, but sought the correct application of science.

A spare, handsome and ascetic man, Rotblat could appear cold and remote; but he enjoyed the company of young people and was popular with them. He retired from the Chair at Bart's Hospital in 1976.

Despite his tendency to contemplate the worst, he described himself as an optimist. "So long as there is a risk of nuclear war," he once said, "that risk is finite, and so long as that risk is finite, it can be reduced."

Rotblat wrote, co-wrote or edited some two dozen books, and from 1960 to 1972 edited the journal Physics in Medicine and Biology. He was president of the Pugwash Conferences from 1988 to 1997, and was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1995.

In addition to the Nobel Peace Prize, he received the Bertrand Russell Society Award in 1983, the Albert Einstein Peace Prize in 1992 and numerous other honours, awards and decorations from around the world.

He was appointed CBE in 1965, and KCMG in 1998.