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Treatments promoted by those who support the movement include the use of mistletoe to treat cancer on the grounds that mistletoe, like cancer, is parasitic. Photograph: Ross Hoddinott/PA
Treatments promoted by those who support the movement include the use of mistletoe to treat cancer on the grounds that mistletoe, like cancer, is parasitic. Photograph: Ross Hoddinott/PA

Holistic unit will 'tarnish' Aberdeen University reputation

This article is more than 12 years old
Aberdeen University considering proposals to establish chair funded by unit that uses mistletoe to treat cancer patients

Aberdeen University is considering proposals to establish a chair funded by a holistic medical clinic that believes mistletoe can cure cancer. The development has triggered a furious reaction from mainstream scientists who say it would tarnish the reputation of the university.

Under the plan being considered by the university's governance and nominations committee, the chair would be funded primarily by an anthroposophical clinic, the Raphael Medical Centre. Anthroposophy, which has links to homeopathy, was founded by the Austrian spiritualist Rudolf Steiner, who is known for the Steiner school system.

Practitioners who follow his teachings are urged to work out "the particular state of soul and spirit" of patients and take account of their many lives, past, present and future. In addition, the treatments promoted by those who support the movement include the use of mistletoe to treat cancer on the grounds that mistletoe, like a cancer, is parasitic.

"Anthroposophical medicine has no basis in science. Its concepts were dreamed up by Steiner and are based on mystical thinking," Edzard Ernst, professor of alternative medicine at Exeter University, told the Observer. "That any decent university should even consider an anthroposophical medicine unit seems incomprehensible. The fact that it would be backed by people who have a financial interest in this bogus approach makes it even worse."

According to minutes of the university's governance committee, obtained by
the freelance writer James Gray through a freedom of information request, the proposal has been made by Dr Stefan Geider, the UK coordinator of the Anthroposophic Health, Education and Social Care Movement. The proposal involves setting up a centre, to be named the Dunlop Centre for Integrative Health and Management. The centre would then recruit a professor, a senior lecturer and an administrative officer.

The £1.5m to fund the chair for five years would be provided by the Raphael Medical Centre and a further £1.5m would be provided by the Software AG Foundation which funds anthroposophical projects on behalf of its parent organisation, the German company Software AG. According to the anthroposophical movement's website, the deal to set up the chair has been agreed in principle.

However, this last claim was denied by a spokesperson for the university: "The proposal for the research chair will be considered by our governance and nominations committee when they meet next month." However, she declined to comment any further on the furore triggered by the proposed chair.

However, the governance committee's own minutes, as acquired by Gray, suggest the university is aware of the controversy. In particular, the fact that the centre would be funded entirely by the alternative medicine movement while being charged to carry out objective studies into the efficacy of such treatments "could potentially leave the scientific integrity of the university open to question as well as attracting negative publicity", the minutes note.

In addition, the anthroposophical movement's claims that the centre will produce postgraduate degrees in anthroposophical medicine "could prove damaging," they state.

On the other hand, the minutes also outline advantages in setting up such a centre at Aberdeen University. "It would create a unique research grouping, subjecting as yet unproven complementary and alternative therapies to full scientific scrutiny." It would also place "Aberdeen at the forefront of this kind of research".

The private Witten-Herdecke University in Germany established a chair in anthroposophical medicine in the 1990s, also with support from Software AG. The move was denounced in the press as "a death sentence". The university has suffered from a poor image ever since and its medical school has been tarnished for indulging in "pseudo-science". In 2009, the university came close to financial collapse but was rescued by a cash injection provided by Software AG.The danger posed to Aberdeen University was also stressed by Ernst. "It is obvious to me that the university's reputation would seriously suffer, should this project go ahead."

This article was updated on 2 May 2012 to include attribution to James Gray.

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