skei- / Indo-European roots


To cut, split.

Extension of sek-

Derivatives include science, nice, shit, schism, sheath, ski, esquire.

a. shin1 from Old English scinu, shin, shinbone (< "piece cut off");
b. chine from Old French eschine, backbone, piece of meat with part of the backbone. Both a and b from Germanic suffixed form *ski-nō-.
2. science, scilicet, sciolism; adscititious, conscience, conscious, nescience, nice, omniscient, plebiscite, prescient from Latin scīre, to know (< "to separate one thing from another" "discern")
3. Suffixed zero-grade form *skiy-enā-. skean from Old Irish scīan, knife.
4. Extended root *skeid-.
a. (i) shit; gobshite from Old English *scītan, to defecate; (ii) skate3; blatherskite from Old Norse skīta, to defecate; (iii) shyster from Old High German skīzzan, to defecate. (i)-(iii) all from Germanic *skītan, to separate, defecate;
b. suffixed zero-grade form *sk(h)id-yo-. schism, schist, schizo- from Greek skhizein, to split;
c. nasalized zero-grade form *ski-n-d-. scission; exscind, prescind, rescind from Latin scindere, to split.
5. Extended root *skeit-.
a. (i) shed1, shoddy from Old English scēadan, to separate, from Germanic *skaith-, *skaidan; (ii) sheath from Old English scēath, sheath (< "split stick"), perhaps from Germanic *skaith-;
b. ski from Old Norse skīdh, log, stick, snowshoe, from Germanic *skīdam;
c. o-grade form *skoit-. écu, escudo, escutcheon, esquire, scudo, scutum, squire from Latin scūtum, shield (< "board").
6. Extended root *skeip-.
a. sheave2 from Middle English sheve, pulley (< "piece of wood with grooves");
b. skive1 from a Scandinavian source akin to Old Norse skīfa, to slice, split;
c. shiver2 from Middle English shivere, scivre, splinter, possibly from a Low German source akin to Middle Low German schever, splinter. a-c all from Germanic *skif-.

[Pokorny skē̆i- 919.]

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