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Last Updated: Tuesday, 8 June, 2004, 09:58 GMT 10:58 UK
Venus transits the Sun
Transit of Venus, PA
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Astronomers in Gloucestershire saw this view as Venus made its first transit of the Sun since 1882.
Venus transit, IFS
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The transit began at 0620 BST (0520 GMT) and ended at around 1224 BST.
Astronomers, PA
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Amateur astronomers watched the transit through special eclipse glasses.
Astronomers, BBC
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There was frenzied excitement about the event because of its rarity.
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The event delighted observers, young and old, in the Royal Observatory courtyard.
Mother and child, BBC
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Jenny Gristock (right) and son Finnian (left) enjoyed the weather at the Royal Greenwich Observatory.
Japan astronomers, AP
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Japanese amateur astronomers gathered at Yokohama Science Center to see the event.

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