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 * Serendipity
 * Endows Wikipedia with the “sense of wonder” and “serendipitous discoveries”
 * that proud owners of the print Encyclopædia Britannica find sorely lacking on
 * the Internet. Now, whenever you look up an entry in this ephemeral reference,
 * “lose yourself” in the alphabetically adjacent bounty of knowledge that any
 * self-respecting encyclopedia should offer by default.
 * :-P

if (mw.config.get("wgAction") == "view" && mw.config.get("wgNamespaceNumber") == 0) {
    mw.loader.using("mediawiki.api", function () {
        var api = new mw.Api();
         * Retrieves the rendered HTML content of an alphabetically adjacent
         * article and passes the content to a callback function.
         * @param forward   {boolean}   True to get the next page; false to get
         *                              the previous one.
         * @param ok        {function}  A callback function that takes two
         *                              arguments: title, html.
        function fetchAdjacentArticle(forward, ok) {
                list: "allpages",
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            }).done(function (data) {
                var pages = data.query && data.query.allpages;
                var page = pages && data.query.allpages[1];
                if(!page) return;
                $.get(mw.util.wikiScript("index"), {
                    title: page.title,
                    action: "render",
                }, function (html) {
                    if (ok) ok(page.title, html);
                }, "html");
         * Hides content features that facilitate user contributions, multimedia
         * experiences, non-linear navigation, or fact-checking.
        function hideNewFangledFeatures() {
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            // Cite extension
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            // WikiMiniAtlas
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         * Inserts the contents of the previous article above the original one.
        function insertPreviousArticle(title, html) {
            // Stuff the main article’s title inside its body element.
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                             .prepend($(html).wrap("<div id='prevBodyContent'></div>"))
                             .prepend("<h1 id='prevFirstHeading' class='firstHeading'>" +
                                      "<span dir='auto'>" + title + "</span>" +
         * Inserts the contents of the next article above the original one.
        function insertNextArticle(title, html) {
            $("#bodyContent").append("<h1 id='nextFirstHeading' class='firstHeading'>" +
                                     "<span dir='auto'>" + title + "</span>" +
                             .append($(html).wrap("<div id='nextBodyContent'></div>"))
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        $(function () {
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            fetchAdjacentArticle(true, insertNextArticle);