Film Screening: THE MAYOR’S RACE

Film Screening: The Mayor’s Race

Followed by q&a with filmmaker Rob Mitchell

30 October 2019 at 3pm

Arts Building Main Lecture Theatre

University of Birmingham

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In celebration of Black History Month, the School of History, Arts, and Cultures together with BRIHC is holding a special screening of THE MAYOR’S RACE, a new documentary film about local politics, race, and society.

Marvin Rees is a ‘mixed race’ man in his 40’s. Having experienced poverty and racism in his life, he wants to shape the society he lives in and believes political office will give him the power to do so.

In 2012 he runs for mayor in Bristol, UK. The journey into politics hits him with rejection, failure and an inner struggle that eventually leads to the biggest challenge of his life. THE MAYOR’S RACE is about the desire to overcome doubt and the boundaries between social background and power.

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