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Watch message group: Improve bundling logic of notifications
Open, MediumPublic2 Estimated Story Points


The bundling logic for notification currently bundles notifications received within the last 4 hours irrespective of the message group, but this can result in situations like this:

Screenshot_20240429_120236.png (474×505 px, 30 KB)

In this case it seems obvious to bundle all the logic for a specific group for an even longer period of time.

Event Timeline

A notification type I get a lot of is page links (Notify me when someone links to a page I created from another page). They are bundled per-page, not per-timeframe: if ten pages I created are linked to in the very same edit, I get ten unbundled notifications; but if a single page is linked to from 25 pages over the course of two months, all 25 appear in the same bundle. Maybe this could be the way to go for Translate as well? It would be more conventional and would fix @jhsoby’s issue. (Or just bundle everything together, not considering either timeframe or message group.)

abi_ triaged this task as Medium priority.May 2 2024, 8:16 AM
abi_ moved this task from Backlog to tux on the MediaWiki-extensions-Translate board.

Yes, I too think the approach @Tacsipacsi suggests is the best one.