CNN CNN Politics

February 27, 2008
Posted: February 27th, 2008 04:55 PM ET
 Rep. John Lewis is now backing Obama.
Rep. John Lewis is now backing Obama.

ATLANTA (CNN) - Georgia Rep. John Lewis, who backed Hillary Clinton in his state's Democratic presidential primary, announced Wednesday that he is switching his support to Barack Obama to reflect the will of his constituents.

"Something is happening in America," the 11-term congressman, a bloodied veteran of the civil rights movement, said in a statement issued by his office.

"There is a movement, there is a spirit, there is an enthusiasm in the hearts and minds of the American people that I have not seen in a long time, since the candidacy of Robert Kennedy."

In a statement issued Wednesday afternoon, Obama called Lewis "an American hero."

"I am deeply honored to have his support," he added.

Lewis endorsed Clinton, the senator from New York and former first lady, in October. But his central Atlanta district went strongly for Obama, the senator from Illinois, in Georgia's Feb. 5 primary - forcing what he called "a difficult decision" for him.

"As a U.S. representative, it is my role not to try to subdue or suppress the will of the people, but to help it prosper and grow," he said.

Lewis is a member of the Democratic leadership in the House of Representatives and a Democratic "superdelegate," one of the elected officials and party leaders who will not be bound by the results of primary elections or caucuses when they vote on the party's presidential nominee at its August convention in Denver. He is also a longtime friend of Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, and said he had "a deep and abiding love" for both.

But he added, "I think the candidacy of Sen. Obama represents the beginning of a new movement in American political history that began in the hearts and minds of the people of this nation. And I want to be on the side of the people, on the side of the spirit of history."

Lewis' announcement comes less than a week before next Tuesday's Democratic primaries in Texas and Ohio, which Clinton is banking on to break the Illinois senator's 11-contest winning streak in the Democratic race. The two held a heated debate in Cleveland on Tuesday.

Clinton did not answer reporters' questions about Lewis' reversal at a Wednesday afternoon campaign stop in Zanesville, Ohio. But campaign spokesman Doug Hattaway told CNN that the candidate "respects Congressman Lewis enormously, and she respects his decision."

Lewis declined further comment to reporters as he left the House floor Wednesday, telling them, "I'll let the statement speak for itself."

In announcing his endorsement of Clinton in October, Lewis called her the Democratic candidate "best-prepared to lead this country at a time when we are in desperate need of strong leadership." But despite the support of Lewis and other leading African-American politicians, Obama beat Clinton by better than 2-to-1 in Georgia's primary, with overwhelming support from black voters.

Lewis' fellow Georgian, Rep. David Scott, has told news outlets he would support Obama in Denver rather than go against the will of voters in his suburban Atlanta district.

The Lewis endorsement follows Tuesday's endorsement of the Illinois senator by former Democratic presidential candidate Chris Dodd, who called for the party to unite "behind a candidacy that expresses the aspirations, the hopes, the ambitions of millions and millions of Americans."

Dodd warned that Democrats are in danger of damaging their fortunes in November with a divisive campaign, but said he is not suggesting Clinton should drop out of the race. The Connecticut senator dropped his presidential bid after the Iowa caucuses Jan. 3.

Obama currently leads Clinton in the number of convention delegates won in the Democratic contests to date, 1,184 to 1,031, according to the latest CNN estimates. Clinton has the support of more superdelegates, however, leading Obama 237-181, according to CNN's count.

– CNN's Sasha Johnson, Candy Crowley, and Alex Mooney contributed to this report

Filed under: Barack Obama • Hillary Clinton • superdelegates

Jacob, DC   February 27th, 2008 7:08 pm ET

"McCain will get my vote if Hillary is not our nominee!!!"? Is this what our party as come down to? Are Hillary supports so upset that Obama is doing well that they are willing to allow a Republican into the White House than a fellow Democrat?

I think it might be time to remember that we are on the same team and that this in-house fighting shouldn't impact whoever is running in November (Hillary or Obama).

Also, the fact he is African American is the only reason Lewis is changing sides? People out there really think that? Some of you really need to cover up your racism a little better than that...heaven forbid Lewis changes his mind because he believes Hillary has been doing poorly these last few weeks. Nah, he MUST of have been motivated by race.

Steve   February 27th, 2008 7:08 pm ET

If Lewis wants to support Obama that is fine. I can not wait till Hillary drops out and the media turns on Obama.....the media tried to tarnish McCain and it backfired. The media likes to create drama and when Hillary is gone they will focus their efforts on Obama.....


Franky   February 27th, 2008 7:06 pm ET

You know what? I don't even think I made a comment today on a topic. I don't know about you but I am tired! Don't worry, but I'll be back with a vengeance tomorrow. Talk about being lazy.......

Don't worry candidates, you'll hear from me tomorrow...........

Gary   February 27th, 2008 7:06 pm ET

But of course it's not about race...... If John Edwards had carried Georgia I'm sure repesentative Lewis would have jumped ship to support him as well.

Andrew   February 27th, 2008 7:05 pm ET

Yo and clarity- I don't care if you respect his decision or not but do not bash John Lewis. What he has done for civil rights is beyond respectable. He is a civil rights champion and a true American hero.

p.s.-This coming from a white male.

Ken Austin, TX   February 27th, 2008 7:05 pm ET

Though I am glad to see Lewis support Obama, I must say that I do not like the way he was forced to do it. But then again, what choice does he have? He is in office to represent the people that voted him in, and if they are saying Obama is what they want, then he should do all what is in his power to make it happen. But then again, this is what happens when you have these unwarranted "superdelegates". If the Democratic party would truly act like a democracy and let the PEOPLE decide, then Lewis' vote would count for just one regular vote and we wouldn't be having this discussion right now.

SG   February 27th, 2008 7:05 pm ET

Way to flip-flop. Putting his finger to the wind, just makes him look bad.

Mike   February 27th, 2008 7:03 pm ET

This is America. It is perfectly alright to change your mind or opinion about something.

Nobody in Hillary's camp complained or whined when she changed her mind on the war in Iraq or on NAFTA.

So if it's okay for Hillary to flip-flop, then shut up about Lewis.

Alice Courtney   February 27th, 2008 7:03 pm ET

Tim Russet, You should be ashamed of yourself. Your bias supprised me. I thought that you had more integrity. This is the first electon in the history of the US that is going to be decided by the Media. Hillary doesn't have a chance even though she is the most qualified. 24 hour news stations have nothing to report so they interview each other and make the news themselves. You bet her up then got mad when she fought back. Shame on you all !!!!

ruby   February 27th, 2008 7:02 pm ET

Hillary was awesome at the debate last night, she was the smartest person in the room ... and it shows! Hillary rules!

Steve   February 27th, 2008 7:02 pm ET

didn't he actually switch quite some time ago?

Mark   February 27th, 2008 7:02 pm ET

Veronica – your irresponsible post suggests that Lewis switched to Obama because he was black. Maybe you should read the article. He switched to match the desires of his constituents, which many argue is the proper role for a superdelegate.

If he was supporting Obama just because he's black, he wouldn't have supported Hillary in October.

Please don't be stupid and ignorant and draw poor analogies. We can do better.

Morgan   February 27th, 2008 7:01 pm ET

Jack C. just totally reversed the facts from the debate. Obama condemned LFs remarks but would not reject his support until Hillary Clinton said she rejected similar support. Did he even watch it? CNN just proved they are for Obama by trying to look like they were investigating Obama but then reversing the facts in his favor. I challenge CNN to apologize to its viewers and run the whole clip from the debate about rejecting support from Louis F. AND Jack C. and the other team members to admit they either didn't watch the debate or purposefully misrepresented the facts!

Amy, Kazoo   February 27th, 2008 7:01 pm ET

I don't think it's any secret here that I'm a Clinton supporter. That said, it is my opinion that if she doesn't make significant gains (ie a single win at least) on March 4th, she needs to do the right thing and step down from the race so we can rally behind one candidate. The republicans are waiting for our single candidate like a pack of wolves, just waiting to tear them apart. They've already begun. So it's in our best interest to get behind one candidate. Sure we all have PREFERENCES. But it's been said by the candidates themselves and the pundits that the two are so similar it's hard to find differences at times aside from personality. I love what Hillary has done for the women of this country. I love that she's a fighter. But at one point or another, you have to start choosing your battles wisely. Should she fail on March 4th, I hope she can muster up the courage to do the right thing and I hope that ALL democratic supporters can come together as one unit.

Kathy   February 27th, 2008 7:01 pm ET

Lewis switches from Clinton to Obama. Georgia Rep. John Lewis, who backed Hillary Clinton in his state's Democratic presidential primary, announced Wednesday that he is switching his support to Barack Obama to reflect the will of his constituents. Why he switching, he want to get benefit from Obama, after Obama enter the white house.

Lewis without any his view, only look the wind direction. Ridiculous!!!!

Lynn in IA   February 27th, 2008 7:00 pm ET

I have soooo many of these stories and posts and am soooo sick of the pettiness going on all boards. Look, our best hope is to support the Democratic ticket in November NO MATTER who is on it. Stop with the Hillary and Obama hate remarks...PLEASE! Sometimes I wonder who some of the people posting here are for...McCain??? What ever happened to "United we stand, divided we fall"? This race is not over, the people have not chosen yet, but when it is over, support needs to go to the winner. What do we have here sore losers or people who want to put an end to the Bush-like tyranny?? When he got that second term I just had the biggest feeling of dread come over me. Look at the last 7 years, do we need that to continue as Bush says it will or do we stay together to make sure the GOP stays out?! This bickering is toxic. I will support the winner between Hillary and Barack, no matter what! I want my son home, not in Iraq putting his life on the line for sake of George W. Bush. PLEASE help keep him and all our soldiers safe and bring them home! I'm begging all of you to vote for them!

Asians for Hillary   February 27th, 2008 7:00 pm ET

This is getting ridiculous. Then, Kerry and Kennedy should also follow the will of their constituents and back Hillary. Why don't they do so? I can foresee the downfall of democratic party if the wave of Obama goes on. This man is going to bring disaster to the world. He totally stinks. I'm sick and tired of seeing his face.

Brad RI   February 27th, 2008 6:57 pm ET

Personally, I think that "doing his job" would be to listen to the voice of America, or at the very least his constituants. When the will of the people shows that they want something, who are the superdels to say otherwise?

Drew   February 27th, 2008 6:56 pm ET

Excuse me, but to those of you who are bemoaning the switch: Isn't that EXACTLY what Sen. Clinton's camp was trying to do? Target Super Delegates and try to get them to switch to her camp? Seems like what's good for one side works both ways. If a Super Delegate chooses to switch FROM Sen. Clinton's clutches, it's just another day in the world of Democratic Politics.

Don't criticize Sen. Obama's side for getting more delegates. That IS what they are trying to do after all.

Sukie   February 27th, 2008 6:54 pm ET

What kind of low lifes would "switch" AFTER they have made a promise–which is what I consider an endorsement.

Really cheap move, buddy. I don't care what color you are!!!!!!!!!

I am sticking by Hillary, no one has shown me anything new about either her or Obama since this battle began.

Even if Obama "wins" the Dem nomination, I will still write in Clinton on Oregon's May primary ballot.

And in November.


BTW, Obama, your wife is NOT Jackie Kennedy! And never will be!

Terry For Texas   February 27th, 2008 6:51 pm ET

Great another shot fired over the bow of the SS Minnow operated by Clinton. God Speed Obama

Michael Osborne   February 27th, 2008 6:51 pm ET

Shame on you Mr. Lewis.

With friends like you, one certainly does not need enemies.

Michael Osborne
Atlanta, GA

Jesus   February 27th, 2008 6:50 pm ET

What is it going to take for people to relize who is the most experience person to run our county? When you see how this superdelgates are changeing their minds because of special interests reminds me what great loosers they are. Edward Kennedy, a looser! who was not Robert Kennedy, nor J.F. Kennedy. Robert was a winner, J.F. Kennedy was a winner, Edward Kennedy a looser, Karry was another looser. C. Dudd another looser. A lot of this delgates are only indorseing special interests. Richardson is questionable, I just hope he doe's not turn against Hillary like Louis just did, lets see who wins the nonmenation and you see he'll votes for the winner. Seeking a high position level in Washinton. Kerry a flip up, (a looser) R. Kennedy a cry baby, (a looser) an now Mr. Louis, (a back staber, not a man of his word. ) And I could go on and on. I'm really sorry to see Hillary being tore up with far left radecals (loosers). Just because she is a female with a lot of experience. Obama with no experience, running the world is going to be a nightmare. with the media pushing for Obama to win, and making Hillary look bad, and not covering enough about Obama I can see the world go to hell, I would like to see the media tell the truth about Obama and all great experience, etc.. People are just not getting the truth in the media, people just don't know who this man really is, other then what they the media wants you to know. If you are smart, you would be voting for Hillary with some experience that could really make a change, and give american people real hope, and a really a vision, what america could be again after a Bush, Etc, bla, b,la, bla
Go Hillary! Go!

Perakletos   February 27th, 2008 6:50 pm ET

It is so nice to see the congressmen listening to the people. He can over look the 3 to 1 margin Obama had over Clinton with the voters of his district.

Anonymous   February 27th, 2008 6:49 pm ET


Jen   February 27th, 2008 6:47 pm ET

Great, but it's sad that he's only switching because of his constituency. Georgians did their homework early on and voted for Obama based on his policies, integrity and message. As an Obama supporter I think it's great that we've got his superdelegate vote but honestly – we didn't need it. It seems like he's just putting himself in a favorable position because he sees how much support Obama has throughout the country. I hope he doesn't think there's anything political to gain from this. If he believed in the Clintons so much he should stick by them.

Peg from Ohio   February 27th, 2008 6:46 pm ET

He saw the debate in Ohio.

AnonymousII   February 27th, 2008 6:44 pm ET

Hillary lost a lot of support when she shook her finger and said ,
'Shame on Your Barrack Obama." Who does she is shaking her finger at a grown man and scolding him like he is a little boy!

Debate the issues and present your plans and solutions, but do not have the audacity to shake a finger. Your own campaign released the picture ofBrrack in native dress trying to use the fear factor.

If Hillary gets the Florida and Michigan delegates seated and gets all their votes and some how gets the nomination, it will only prove how corrupt the Clintons are and how they will do anything to win. It will also divide the democratic party. There may even be a walk out at the convention of Obama supporters Obama 08 is the will of the people. I hope the voters in Ohio and Texas join all the others who have supported Obama and make the decision before the convention.

Jacob   February 27th, 2008 6:43 pm ET

Well said Wayne

Raum   February 27th, 2008 6:40 pm ET

"Rats are jumping ship" is what the Clinton supporters are saying. I think he opened his eyes.

Don't forget alot of these people were backing Clinton before they even got a chance to see what Obama was capable of.

Hashi   February 27th, 2008 6:34 pm ET

Good decision Lewis. Obama for President. A change we believe in!

Ilse   February 27th, 2008 6:33 pm ET

Figures. Birds of a feather. So much for loyalty. Go ahead , join the movement. Is Lewis going to switch back if Hillary wins the nomination?

John, VA   February 27th, 2008 6:32 pm ET

Is this purely race...I'll vote for McCain if Hillary doesn't win. This is the only option left.

ANTI CLINTONS   February 27th, 2008 6:32 pm ET

Another one leaves the Clintons, surprise, surprise!

Derick   February 27th, 2008 6:32 pm ET

Hillary is the best candidate but I'm just about ready to support Obama fully. March 4 is the deadline.

All we can do is watch and wait.

John   February 27th, 2008 6:31 pm ET

It does not surprise me that Hillary did not know the meaning of "denounced". He husband did not know the meaning of "is".

Emily   February 27th, 2008 6:28 pm ET

Rep. Lewis,
Where were you when "we" really needed your support? Obama has done extremely well without your endorsement! SHAME ON YOU! Now that the FAT LADY is starting to're jumping ship! That's what you get for casting your vote toooooo soon...

PS...Does this have anything to do with you keeping you seat in GA?

David D. (Silicon Valley)   February 27th, 2008 6:27 pm ET

People voted for you, you have to represent their wishes, that is the right way to do. keep your job secure!

Mark   February 27th, 2008 5:28 pm ET

Guys, are you sure you are real democrats??
Why insult Rep. Lewis because he supports Obama and not Sen. Dodd who also announced his endorsement?
Frankly, shame on you!
This is about the highest interest of our country, not a matter of persons or skin color.

Stephina   February 27th, 2008 5:27 pm ET

So much for loyalty. In the end, that is why the Democrats will loose the election. What I see is absolutely no loyalty to the Clinton's by the party or by African American voters whom they always helped.

Enjoy the fun while it lasts because come November, the fantasy of Obama becoming President will end.

McCain will win in 2008 and that it is reality.

VOTE OBAMA HE IS REAL   February 27th, 2008 5:27 pm ET

OBAMA is a REAL person! Hilary supporters must be blind!!

Oshiro   February 27th, 2008 5:25 pm ET

Barack Obama's books "Dreams from My Father" and "The Audacity of Hope" are worth reading. It's great to see a candidate like him, regardless of his skin color. It is beneficial to truly know what each candidate is for and about rather than get caught up in racial issues period because when you really get down to it–taxes, health care, war...–we all are in it together.

Joel   February 27th, 2008 5:25 pm ET

I am Hillary supporter. Those switchers can not stand on their own foot. Believe me, if Hillary is not win, a lot of people I know will back to McCain. All of them are educated, independent and known use their own brain.

JT in Dallas   February 27th, 2008 5:25 pm ET

Obama's resume is thin - and that's obvious when supporters have to talk about his record at law school, a strategy appropriate for first-year job seekers but scarcely for presidential candidates. His eight-year career in the Illinois Senate is lackluster, marred by voting "present" 129 times, thereby avoiding the difficult choice of "yes" or "no" on proposed legislation.
Shame on the media. In terms of grace, proposed programs, energy and enthusiasm, knowledge and abilities, and executive demeanor, Hillary Clinton can hold her own among any of the candidates in both parties…

Eli   February 27th, 2008 5:24 pm ET

Why would you not think he would go over to Obama, look at the make up of his county. Hillary Clinton is the right person for this job but that does not seem to matter in this case. I will be voting for the first time in my life for a REPUBLICAN. My grandfather probably will roll over in his grave but he would do the same thing.

Ms.D in Austin   February 27th, 2008 5:23 pm ET

Thank you Repres. Lewis for your endorsement! Repres. Lewis' support for Senator Obama is very meaningful on many different levels. Personally, I appreciate careful considerations to look beyond race, gender and even personal relationships. Repres. Lewis has always been known to be someone who speaks and stands strong to his personal convictions while appreciating the struggles of a previous generation and certainly looking towards the future. I applaud Repres. Lewis for listening to his electorate and being willing to change his mind. Thank you!

Crystal in CA   February 27th, 2008 5:20 pm ET

While I am an Obama supporter, I see this endorsement from John as him looking out for his own political future as well as wanting to be on the right side of history if/when Obama get the nomination.

Politicians are almost all the same. They don't do anything for free.

Obama 08'

Pam   February 27th, 2008 5:20 pm ET

The corporate giants are not posting my comments. They have a problem with what Thomas Jefferson said. Did not like that I said that they were controling outcomes in elections and going to war.

Brandy   February 27th, 2008 5:19 pm ET

Yes we can!

We can change the old system and we can get rid of hillary and slick willie in one smashing defeat next Tuesday.

Why would anyone want Hillary and Slick Willie as co-vice presidents? American citizens deserve better.

The one   February 27th, 2008 5:19 pm ET

I don't understand bringing race into this discussion. Obama carried Rep. Lewis district by a wide margin. It would be grossly undemocratic for Rep. Lewis to still support HRC while the people that put him in office voted for Obama.
Wake up people!!!!

Pam   February 27th, 2008 5:18 pm ET

Post what I said:

Thomas Jefferson said, “The information of the people at large can alone make them safe.” What will happen to democracy if a handful of corporations own, mint, and distribute that information?

Texas Voter   February 27th, 2008 5:18 pm ET

McCain is 72 years old + 8 yrs of presidency = 80
Obama is 42 years old + 8yrs of presidency = 50

The math is pretty easy, Obama 2008

Janet-San Diego   February 27th, 2008 4:43 pm ET

Wow! That's not a surprise. Some people just can't be loyal. There is Wishy washy, flip flopping for obama everywhere. These people should wait until Texas & Ohio votes before jumping ship.

The media is disgusting against Hillary and I mean MSNBC & CNN. These MEN...are sooooo insecured about themselves. Strong women scares them!!
Why is obama pastor saying he supports Louis Farrakhan?
There is a big problem here.
Oh, where good old Michelle at lately?? I haven't seen her and her big mouth. Stop making excuses for her, she meant exactly what she said about america. So, I guess she'll be disappointed in america again after her husband obama (jesus) doesn't get to the big casa blanca..

This guy steals her plans and her ideas. Last night's debate he couldn't name Russia's next president. He looked stupid. "oh yeah what Hillary said, she right.
Don't count her out yet. If he is the nominee McCain will eat him up.
So, yes BOYS SCOUTS go ahead and vote for him, pump him up some more. WHAT GOES UP MUST COME DOWN. He will finish weak,weak at the end..

Art H   February 27th, 2008 4:43 pm ET

Frankly, this move stinks. I would like to see his face if Hillary carries both Texas and Ohio and throws Obama back on his backfoot.

Obama is literally a media creation and hopefully it will not unravel before the General Election.

Obamista   February 27th, 2008 4:43 pm ET

All of you so-called democrats who'll vote for McSain if Obama wins the democratic nomination are traitors and the epitomy of sick McSain/Bush supporters. You are clueless to think that Obama will bring the country down. If anything by voting for McSane, you'll be relecting George Bush.


OBAMA '08!

Lorna   February 27th, 2008 4:43 pm ET

Obama supporters how many people do you think are voting for him in order to get Hillary out and in the general will go back to their party and vote for McCain, I did not think that americans can be this stupied. Maybe the media is right they need to save us from ourselves.

Percy   February 27th, 2008 4:42 pm ET

Race voting sucks.

Obama '08   February 27th, 2008 4:42 pm ET

ANd you should. Obama is the next US President.

ATL Republican   February 27th, 2008 3:34 pm ET

Good job CNN! You have just showed what your all about. You are a true looser at what you do.

maggie   February 27th, 2008 3:34 pm ET

On a former post…about McCain being hard to beat…many of them stated that they were Democrats but would vote for McCain if Obama is the nominee. I feel the same. The numbers are growing. Are you listening DNC? Seems to me it's time to think about doing the right thing with Florida and Michigan. Superdelegates…are you listening? Quit changing your loyalties from Clinton to Obama if you don't want Republicans to keep the White House in November.

Remember the numbers are growing…and growing. There is a Democrats for McCain movement forming out here!

John Smith   February 27th, 2008 3:34 pm ET

These blacks make me laugh. what do they think will happen if OBAMA gets in? redistribute white wealth to blacks, turn over wealthy private schools to black kids and kick white kids out, confiscate white people's beautiful homes and give them to poor blacks.
You think 100 white senators would let him do anything like this.
All blacks will have is pride to know that a black man sits in the white house. But they still will not have health care, they still will be losing their homes in the mortgage crisis, and they still will be an underperforming race of people in need of affirmative action and quotas. But they got pride! LOL.

Tony   February 27th, 2008 3:34 pm ET

He is making the right decision but I still wonder who is the "Democratic" party going to support? So far the majority of "superdelegates" are aligned against the voters. Basically they are supporting a racism-baiting guy because the party feels some personal loyalty to him. I feel the "Democratic" party is getting destroyed from inside by their superdelegates system. Why is the party making the appearance of an ellection if some "insiders" are going to decide. I hope more and more sense would come into the democrats and change this weird system.

Jeff   February 27th, 2008 3:34 pm ET

I like Obama but he's not ready. It's really wonderful how he's engaged voters, etc. This endorsement does not change my decision at all to continue to vote Hillary. That said I think it would be terrific for The Democratic Party AND The Country for Obama to be involved in the administration and gain some (much needed though he'd never admit it) experience. Respectfully, I sincerely do not believe he is qualified for VP, let alone President. Moreover Hillary has a superb mastery of the issues and is ready to immediately invoke change.

Hillary '08.

Alex H   February 27th, 2008 3:34 pm ET

From PA – "of course….vote for race..

I call all women to vote for hillary…..than people will see voting for gender or race is not the way to vote……

clearly obama lost the debate……this is the damage control thats going on"

What??? Not only did you clearly not read the article but you contradict yourself by calling all women to vote for hillary and then say it's not the right thing to do (a very Hillary thing to do, by the way)! So hypocrisy is acceptable when it's to prove a point? Still makes you a hypocrite!

P.S. When did an exaggerated ellipsis (......) replace the period and comma? I'm not feeling any suspense or aposiopesis (look it up).

jimmy paul   February 27th, 2008 3:34 pm ET

i cant beleive my eyes with this so called fool rep and fool senators that were nothing but betrayal of the century i havent seen in my entire life as an american.if clinton wanna be like me,its time for her to keep to herself bcos the campaing has shown her the true friend.if the kennnedys;the dodd and other fools gangster gang against clinton just bcos she is a woman then thier dooms days were nearer and its a law of kama that will turn against them and their agent of change

Emy TX   February 27th, 2008 3:34 pm ET

A call to base the voting based on Gender shows how narrow minded some of Hillarys supporters are..

Instead of understanding the issues and learning about them- merely exhorting -'Vote for her beacuse shes a woman' is irresponsible and idiotic..

This is a woman candidate who fumbled her campaign, hired the wrong management team for her campaign and could not send a consistent message in her quest for presidency..

I think USA can (and should) find a better person than her to run their country in next term....

T.A. O'Neil   February 27th, 2008 3:33 pm ET

Blacks not being loyal or having a mind of their own.

Non commited   February 27th, 2008 3:32 pm ET

You have got to be kidding. This is a non story. The fact that you have this as a headline is shocking. In reading through your posts on this article the depth of Obamas supporters is alarming. He is an empty suit...if he is elected we are in big trouble. Hillary should let him have it, sit back and say I told you so, and take on McCain 4 years from now.

M.E.M FROM KANSAS CITY   February 27th, 2008 3:32 pm ET

Mr.Lewis Thank you For not hurting You're Party.


JD, Pittsburgh, PA   February 27th, 2008 3:31 pm ET

Not too surprising; another super delegate who doesn't understand the role of the super delegate and who was disingenuous with his initial support

Jack   February 27th, 2008 3:31 pm ET

This was predictable

It's only fair then that Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, and Deval Patrick switch their votes to Hillary because their constituents voted overwhelmingly for her despite their endorsements

bikegirl   February 27th, 2008 3:31 pm ET

The media is biased towards (the male) Obama. Why wasn't there a female NBC reporter questioning the candidates last night and why didn't Obama receive the tough questions first instead of being mostly "in agreement" with Senator Clinton? He hasn't held one official meeting as committee chair responsible for NATO in Europe? That is ridiculous. Hillary has tons more foreign and domestic policy experience than he. Oprah must be forking over big bucks from Chicagoland.

RobJohnson   February 27th, 2008 3:31 pm ET

According to reports here in Georgia, Lewis' district went for Obama more than 3 to 1.

Whether it's representing your constituents, or just having enough common sense to not want to get voted out of office, he really didn't have much of a choice. Any politican who does something that 75% of his constituents don't support is going to be out of a job quickly.

Everyone keeps saying the superdelegates should do the will of the people, and that is exactly what Rep. Lewis is doing here.

2sense   February 27th, 2008 3:31 pm ET

"Follow the money." Jerry Maguire

Curious   February 27th, 2008 3:31 pm ET

Lewis and Oprah, two high profile folks that switched from Clinton to Obama...hmmm. Wonder why?

Kevin   February 27th, 2008 3:31 pm ET

there you go, another politician flip flopping to ride some coattails on the popularity train. A canidates race or gender shouldn't have to do with their worthiness, or fitness to hold the office of president. to me, this looks like someone deciding to go with the likely canidate, hoping for a cabinet positon or something. Everyone line up to suckle on the power tit!!!!!!

Tyler   February 27th, 2008 3:30 pm ET

If you are in the "majority" grab your ankles eight years of Obama is gonna hurt. They idiot America rides again, 16 years of people who shouldn't vote at all giving elections to those who shouldnt run at all.

jay nyc   February 27th, 2008 3:30 pm ET

Whoopee! Another wind for OBAMA! I can't wait til March 4th so he can wrap this thing up! OBAMA 08

Bein Careful   February 27th, 2008 3:30 pm ET

Even if Clinton "wins?" Ohio and Texas, she will be splitting the available delegates probably close to 50-50 in both states. Most other remaining states will also be about a 50-50 split unless, and I don't know, a particular state has a winner take all policy. She will never be able to overtake Obama's delegate lead unless a vast majority of superdelegates vote for her. This will completely tear the dem party to shreds and will have a negative effect for years to come.
Is this what the dems want?

btw–It will guarantee a McCain win in November

Darth Vadik, CA   February 27th, 2008 3:30 pm ET

I can understand changing your support after your candidate exits the race, but I will not understand this. Regardles what Mr. Lewis has done for civil rights, God knows we need more civil rights, I lost a little respect for him, and I'm an Obama supporter

EDW   February 27th, 2008 3:29 pm ET

From PA must not have watch the same debate as the rest of us folks. Obama mopped the floor with Billary and made her look like a whining chick. Go ahead and vote the gender card, the rest of us will vote for the person that looks like our best Commander in Chief hopeful.

Obama '08

JO OKLAHOMA   February 27th, 2008 3:29 pm ET

sorry to hear you changed to obama, i was taught if i give my word to someone that was like signing at peace of paper, but oh i forgot that is a politician , we should be use to it by now, and they say we can trust them. lol lol lol and color didn't have anything to do with it again lol lol lol. when Hillary gets to the white house, you may did some bill with her to help get thur or a favor and i hope she tells you yes and then changes her mind. what goes around come back around and it will stop at you. great job senitor lewis show your true colors and i don't only mean only black
jo oklahoma

Peter   February 27th, 2008 3:29 pm ET

Why are people always pulling the race card, it is so sickening. This candidate is for all peolple, yet some of us cannot see beyond our own eyes. Great decision, should have been done a long time along.

Go Obama

RSP   February 27th, 2008 3:29 pm ET

Does this mean all the prominent women politicians in the country will be loyal to their gender and switch from the "faith-based" candidate to Hillary?


Oh, that's right. African-Americans support a black candidate, but women don't support other women. Shame on you women who don't support one of your own. Obviously black people have their priorities straight.

Joy   February 27th, 2008 3:28 pm ET

John Lewis is not a friend, a traitor maybe, well, he is black, what's new! Hillary is the best of all the candidates. People are just blind, deaf and still blindddddddddddddd.

Rationale   February 27th, 2008 3:28 pm ET

Proud californian I wish you could be a proud democrat!!! A true democrat will never vote for McCain, If you won't vote for either obama or Hillary in November that means you've never supported either one. Take off the cover, you 're just a republican!!!

MommyInTheRUG   February 27th, 2008 3:28 pm ET

who cares???Hillary has already done so much damage to herself....and to Obamas character....I was going to vote for Obama...if he got the that Hillary has pointed out all of his character flaws that i did not see....I will vote for McCain

Ryan Asalone   February 27th, 2008 3:28 pm ET

By the sounds of it, he may not be voting for whoever is winning, he may just be voting for the candidate who won by the votes of his people. If he votes against his people for a candidate, his chances of re-election is diminished.

Michael "C" in Lorton, Virginia   February 27th, 2008 3:28 pm ET

Hillary has allowed her "anger" to conquer her and when she speaks when she is angry, she gives the best speech she will forever regret. The superdelegates will distant themselves from her one by one......and that is already started What began in anger for her will end in her shame.

BLC   February 27th, 2008 3:27 pm ET

Since the skies have opened,as Hillary mocks, many will and have CHANGED their minds, too.

Judy   February 27th, 2008 3:27 pm ET

Hillary Clinton is so irate blasting Barack Obama. If she cannot remain calm in the midst of an election campaign, she cannnot govern America’s everyday crisis much less should we have a catastrophe!

VicePrez   February 27th, 2008 3:27 pm ET

Okay people his congressional district voted overwhelmingly for Obama and if they voted for Hillary then I would expect the same. What if your area voted for Hillary would you want the delegate to vote against the people or would you want them to represent the people? Leave the race out of it people.

blkjazz   February 27th, 2008 3:27 pm ET

It sure looks like that ugly R word is creeping into this situation. Maybe some of the Hillary folks were never real democrats in the first place. Maybe they do not believe in the ideals of the party. Maybe they think that McCain has the "experience" that Barack can never have....being white in America. What a shame. Maybe they ought to vote for McCain. Good riddance I say. Obama will still win in November because most fair minded folks realize that Barack Obama is the most qualified person to lead this country out of the old political games and divisions.

jj   February 27th, 2008 3:27 pm ET

WAYNE, Have you taken into account all of the people who will switch to McCain if Obama is the nom?? Add it up. You may have more dems voting, but they may just be voting the other party. Love independents who won't be dictated to. Why is everyone saying that Clinton should give it up for the sake of the party. Did anyone say that to Obama when he was a lot more behind than she is. It's too close to call, sorry easily lead.

LEZA   February 27th, 2008 3:27 pm ET

This just goes to show that politics is corrupt everywhere. The people of the world sway whatever way the wind blows. People are WEAK!!

Shawn Smith, Kansas City, MO   February 27th, 2008 3:27 pm ET

this is betrayal. i hope they realize that when Obama screws up in office, much like the inexperienced JFK did in many areas, they are going to be looking to the Clinton's for advise... and I hope she gives them all the cold shoulder and says, "We told you so...."

Brian   February 27th, 2008 3:26 pm ET

Proud Californian should change their name to Bitter Californian

BobW Rochester, NY   February 27th, 2008 3:26 pm ET

The racial overtones of some of the Hillary supporters are at best undignified and at worst ignorant and ugly. Please people; try to maintain some semblance of rational dignity. The really stupid responses are obviously uneducated and crude conservatives. If you are Democrat, try hold your disagreement above the knuckle-dragging level in your comments.

tmp_mpls   February 27th, 2008 3:26 pm ET

If a latino candidate ran for office all the latino vote would go to that candidate. The race is definitly playing a role here.

Chris From California   February 27th, 2008 3:26 pm ET

If John Lewis is a "friend" of the Clintons, then who needs enemies? What a low thing to do to a "friend." I believe this is about race for Mr. Lewis and that this transcends all to him. I guess, even though I, as a White woman, and others like me, including the Clintons who have worked to advance Civil Rights all their lives – even in the face of personal criticisms of them, have rid our lives of racism, I guess the same cannot be said for many in the Black community.

Gary   February 27th, 2008 3:26 pm ET

Another sticken trader follwing the leader.What comes around goes around. You Obama voters might get surprised.It wont be anything want.

Saint13   February 27th, 2008 3:26 pm ET

If the guy says "I have to represent my constituents and respect their choice", he has no backbone or convictions.

If he votes and/or chooses against the will of his constituents, then he is a poor representative who doesn't care about the people.

Politicians aren't the only ones who change their stand depending upon which way works better for them.

Ingrid   February 27th, 2008 3:26 pm ET

It's pretty sad when people show that they really don't have any convictions. You don't join a campaign because of popularity, you join it because of values and principles you hold dear. In this case Rep. Lewis is simply saying that he is more interested in popularity contests. Way to show your political values Sir.

ANA   February 27th, 2008 3:25 pm ET

Hillary 2008!!! She will prevail!

Drea   February 27th, 2008 3:25 pm ET

I support Hillary. Period. I've hated the comments from Obama supporters who manage to offend me just because I voted for her. The comments are just rude and I'm so turned off by his supporters that I will not vote for him when he becomes the nominee – even if she supports/endorses him. I won't.

jr.   February 27th, 2008 3:25 pm ET

that comment I just send it was the firt time why you'll took it off because it favors Mrs. hillary Clintong

Greg   February 27th, 2008 3:24 pm ET

Hillary cannot run a campain let alone the country. President Obama, sounds great, a President that can unite the country and bring hope to a troubled world. The right person at the right time to lead, just give a prayer of thanks to the almighty, God bless America.

akaDoug   February 27th, 2008 3:24 pm ET

So Hillary, should Barack "denounce and reject" Rep. Lewis' support too?

anon   February 27th, 2008 3:24 pm ET

Rats jumping ship from Clinton to Obama.:

Conviction, friiendship, and principal sink, and the bandwagon sails on!

Keith   February 27th, 2008 3:24 pm ET

I do not think he should have switched.
If he had already made the pledge then he should stick to it.

And enough of this DEM divsion already!!...just pick a candidate (anyone but HRC) and aim the fire at McCain.

Terry   February 27th, 2008 3:23 pm ET

All the rats are jumping the sinking ship. When it comes to politics, survival trumps principles every time. The politicians (black, white, etc) line up with who they think the winner will be. If that changes, so will they.

Tim   February 27th, 2008 3:23 pm ET

For years people have said the Bill Clinton was the first black president.....they can't tell you why they say that, but they say it. Now, Bill and Hillary are learning that Bill is white, Hillary is White, and black politicians are going to side with the black candidate.
As for me, Obama sounds very good when he speaks, but I hear very little substance in what he says.
Next step, Obama will have the majority of standard delegates, Clinton will win the nomination with the help of the 'Super' Delegates, the democratic party will go to war with itself, as will the republican party over McCain. No one will care about the election and McCain will win the national election, 43 votes to 32.

Scott, Minneapolis, MN   February 27th, 2008 3:23 pm ET

It is really sad that for the first time in my life, I will be voting for a republican if Obama is the nominee. What I really want from Obama is specifics. I am tired of political fluff. If you say you want to accomplish something....Please for the love of god tell me how.......not big words in a great speech that you read from a teleprompter......

Tafoya A. Hubbard   February 27th, 2008 3:23 pm ET

I get so tired of non african americans telling african americans we are only voting for Barack becasue he is black. Yall always vote for somebody that looks like you yet we never say you are voting for him or her because of the color of their skin!!!! People can vote for who they want point blank period. Women can say it's time for a female President and its all good and when black voted for Bill Clinton in droves not once but TWICE that was all good, now that we want to vote for Barack its a problem. I don't think so!!!!


N Zimmerman   February 27th, 2008 3:23 pm ET

This is old news. I find it convenient that CNN re-post this article the day following the last debate. I view it as an attempt to use the media's undue influence on voters. Please report news and let the voters decide for themselves.

Phil   February 27th, 2008 3:23 pm ET

Karen, u sound confused. go back to the trailer.

Sell Out   February 27th, 2008 3:23 pm ET

This shouldn't surprise anyone with a brain in their head.

Joe   February 27th, 2008 3:23 pm ET

So really....this is just this spineless idiots way of saying "I dont want to back a loser...I thought Clinton would I backed I know that Obama is going to win....Now....if it turns out that Clinton gets a whole lot of super delegate nods....and it looks like she will win...I will back her again"

LISA   February 27th, 2008 3:23 pm ET

Please people lets all just get along.. I support Obama. We need a fresh face in the White House. Aren't we tired of the experienced.. that is why we are in such a mess now. As for Hillary, she is a fine runner.. but I can speak for myself, I AM READY FOR CHANGE.

It would be nice to have both........

VINN TX   February 27th, 2008 3:22 pm ET

Uh..Oh.. The ship is sinking... jump now!!!

Sign of times to come..

beni   February 27th, 2008 3:22 pm ET

i wounder why there is no word of its exellency louis farakhan in cnn web site at all today keep voting for obama and you probably gong to end up vith louis as vice president

Jason   February 27th, 2008 3:22 pm ET

This is huge....who is he??????
The media never ceases to amaze me.

MBG   February 27th, 2008 3:22 pm ET

To: "Proud Californian" I think your remarks are insensitive.

From: MBG, Proud Hispanic and New Yorker.

Matt in Odessa   February 27th, 2008 3:22 pm ET

there's a shock.

Jon, Pittsburgh, PA   February 27th, 2008 3:22 pm ET

The polls also don't show how many Republicans have been voting in the Democratic primaries, either.

Chris, Washington   February 27th, 2008 3:21 pm ET

All the bloggers who are making this into a race issue, let me give you one of very shocking news that might somewhat surprise you. Here in State of Washington, Sen. Obama won EVERY single county. Now, having said that, guess which race dominates this state? I'll let you figure it out. In addition, it's okay to vote for woman candidate because you're woman BUT it becomes a race issue when African-Americans vote for Sen. Obama? I have no problem women voting for Sen. Clinton. If we, women are not proud of our own sex, who would do that for us? Same goes to African-Americans. This election is much more than that. Don't become a victim of media circus.

Any so called proud Dems out there who kept on insisting that you won't vote for Sen. Clinton or Sen. Obama on Nov. election, as Sen.Clinton said, Shame on YOU. I'm a proud Sen.Obama supporter but if she becomes a nominee, I wouldn't even hesitate A second to vote for her. Think about the issues at stake. Dare to say "I'll vote for McCain"? What a shame..

jewcowboy   February 27th, 2008 3:21 pm ET

As a constituent in his district I used to respect the man. Now he looks like every other political hack who would rather hold on to their job, rather than their principles.

jj   February 27th, 2008 3:21 pm ET

MIKE – I'm one of those independents who will vote for a strong leader, be it Clinton or McCain, no way do I see Obama as a strong leader, he's a great talker and promiser. But he would just turn everything over to others to do the job. Is that REALLY who you want for a president. Someone who can not do anything, just a talker. He's the black Jon Osteem. he inspires for his own gain, he's a Multimillionaire off of all the small and [poor people he cons. Sorry, no dice. that's why I'm an independent, I vote the person, not the party.

Spirit of America   February 27th, 2008 3:20 pm ET

So what? This so-called switch makes no difference. The real question is what Mike Bloomberg will do after March 4. That will make a very big difference.

Reggie   February 27th, 2008 3:20 pm ET

Some of these posts make no sense. Why would he just be switching his allegiance for Obama because he is black when Obama has always been black but he has not always had Lewis vote. I would agree that he is switching to jump on the bandwagon. And even if he was switching becuase Obama is black so what? While males have been voting in white males for 42 straight Presidents . . .. nobody got on you for supporitng white male candidates . . . . .oh . . .but i guess that is different . . . .

jp/michigan   February 27th, 2008 3:20 pm ET

Good old boys government in Washington d.c. Birds of a feather stick together.

TobyInTampa   February 27th, 2008 3:20 pm ET

Someone ELSE lining themselves up for a future? cabinet position.

NObama NObama NObama

Nick in Las Vegas   February 27th, 2008 3:20 pm ET

BIG SUPRISE! What a joke! That's the role of super delegates; to use their own judgement. They are not supposed to be bound by the votes of their district. WOW. What a hypocrite, not that it matters as I live in Nevada but I have so little respect for this man.

I swear, this whole campaign for the nomination is really making me questions my status as a Democrat. I'll have to consider myself independant if Obama wins the nomination because of the way this campaign has been run I will likely vote for McCain.

Billie   February 27th, 2008 3:19 pm ET

Mr. Obama will not get my vote. His stance frightens me – not his public one, but the one many of us are hearing about. I am an independent, and can choose not to vote, but feel it s right we ALL should be a part of! Please, America – don't make me vote republican!

KYObamican   February 27th, 2008 3:19 pm ET

I am holding my breath and crossing my fingers for Obama! My normally cynical husband just registered to vote last week because he was inspired by him. I hope to vote for him in the general. Unfortunately, Kentucky is a closed primary.

Amy in Iowa   February 27th, 2008 3:19 pm ET

So when white men endorse Obama, who has a white mom, should we also say "look at their skin color"? Cmon people. Obama represents all of America. Those insults are getting old.

Sara M   February 27th, 2008 3:18 pm ET

Let's see if he switches back after Hillary wins on Tuesday...

Charles   February 27th, 2008 3:18 pm ET

Did you hear proverb about rats leaving ship? So this is our civil right "leader" who could, at least according to legends stand up to beating and life threats but can't stand political pressure for the candidate he thinks is the best and to whom he feels being in in debt?

What does he risk? His Congress place? Sorry, but rats remaine rats everywhere.

SPQR753   February 27th, 2008 3:18 pm ET

DNA is thicker than water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Adam, Los Angeles   February 27th, 2008 3:17 pm ET

Don't accuse him of being a flake or lacking courage. The root word is "delegate" meaning "representative".

He bet on his horse too early in the game and the people who he is representing have told him he made the wrong decision. I'm sure the people of Atlanta are thankful that he listens to their voice.

sherrie50   February 27th, 2008 3:17 pm ET

Mr. John Lewis, where is your integrity? Is that how you treat a friend? I hope your conscience is clear.

GSU   February 27th, 2008 3:17 pm ET

Lewis supported Clinton and Obama still won Georgia. I think someone is just trying to seem relevant.....

A Proud American   February 27th, 2008 3:17 pm ET

Thanks Democraps! Your making the republcans shine once again.

Curtis   February 27th, 2008 3:17 pm ET

I love the fact that he proudly displays the Human Rights Campaign slogan in front during a press conference!

Matt   February 27th, 2008 3:17 pm ET

I have no problem with Rep. Lewis endorsing Obama, particularly since his constituents in Georgi voted pretty overwhelmingly for him. I do have a problem with people who go back on their word. If he wasn't prepared to stick with Clinton through to the end, he should never have endorsed her in the first place. This now comes off as less of a "soul searching" moment and more a "hop on the bandwagon" one.

GET TO THE TRUTH!!!!   February 27th, 2008 3:16 pm ET

OH !!!Mr Lewis you wouldn't want people to think you're "selling out" now would you....I find this very funny for him to just support Obama with his poll numbers up and all. If you are
Black and support Hillary you are considered a" sell out" let's just hope we have not "sold out our country over a glorified rock star in a suit!!" because he makes me feel good. And with Mr.Lewis being big on civil rights i want o know how you can support someone who attends a church whose Pastor has said such negative things about Jewish people. Civil Rights are for all not just Black folks and this is coming from a Black person who supports Hillary!!!

John in CA   February 27th, 2008 3:16 pm ET

Politics as usual...

Voting for Clinton is Dumb!!!!!!!!!!!   February 27th, 2008 3:16 pm ET

Karen you real ignorant !!! I see all the smart ladies are not voting for Hillary.

George   February 27th, 2008 3:16 pm ET

Americans are waking up to find the truth. We are all sick and tired to see the same arrogant and dishonest players around Washington. We need a change of tactic in the game. That's where Obama comes to people's mind. It's about that time the Clintons and Bush disappear from public faces.

Jorge   February 27th, 2008 3:16 pm ET

This is great! and it is just one more thing that shows how the whole country its joining Obama's movement of Change!!!! it is time for Hillary to step down NOW!!!!

D.L.   February 27th, 2008 3:16 pm ET

Man what a bunch of fairweather friends.

Yes Lewis you are indeed a cad!!

Adam, Los Angeles   February 27th, 2008 3:16 pm ET

Don't accuse him of being a flake or lacking courage. The root word is "delegate" meaning "representative".

He bet on his horse too early in the game and the people who he is representing have told him he made the wrong decision. I'm sure the people of Atlanta are thankful that he listens to their voice.

thingsthatmakeyougo.hmm...   February 27th, 2008 3:15 pm ET

Wow....Way to jump on the media wave.....Although I'm not suprised...Anyone who chooses to shift loyalty and support is not worth any of our time nor about commitment?!

Rationale   February 27th, 2008 3:15 pm ET

You are sick Karen, the first time he was sworn in on the bible this time again he'll do it on the bible as an authentic christian. Please remember we are democrats we cannot be fighting each other; our real opponents are republicans so get ready to support either one of our democrats who gets the nomination!!!! I really appreciate you Karen!!!

Atl Republican   February 27th, 2008 3:14 pm ET

How in the world can you say this is a great endorsement? How?? As one commenter puts it... It's very simple, blacks will follow blacks regardless of what America needs. We have sen the proof, just look at all the blacks that have come out of the woodwork to endorse Obama. And we think this helps? Lewis is a great endorsement, who is the idiot that wrote that?

Paul   February 27th, 2008 3:14 pm ET

Wow, do the Clinton supporters on this board have anger built up in them or what? No wonder they supported Senator Clinton who has shown she is clearly emotionally unstable in this campain. They do say that many people support canidates based on their values and personal identity, so I guess I shouldn't be suprised at the emotionally unstable Clinton supporters crazy statements. Just calm down and take your medication, hopefully you'll come around too just as Lewis and many other of the early pledged supporter will soon follow suit. Obama is not a bad guy, it's just the Clinton hallucinational effects blocking your judgement and hopefully it will clear up soon so we can all just get along.

ddt   February 27th, 2008 3:14 pm ET

Lewis you have humiliated yourself. How in hell could you do that to yourself " cival rights leader" I doubt it. You have brought race again into this compaingn. Everybody now knows that if he was not black you wouldn't left people who have been your friends for ever, I mean the clintons. All I can say, shame on you, you made a fool of yourself you should have waited until the convention to give support to anyone now you have showed your true colors you have been lying to the Clintons that you are a friend but you are not. They know now

Deebo   February 27th, 2008 3:14 pm ET

There's nothing wrong with switching sides.
Obama is the way to go!
This world is going to change for the better, only because Obama is providing the momentum for that change.
Join the Movement

George   February 27th, 2008 3:14 pm ET

Too much pressure.....Only Obama signs in the 5th District of Georgia.!!!


Dee   February 27th, 2008 3:14 pm ET

If this is the superdelegates only vote than they should vote anyway they want, but if the superdelegates get a personal vote and a convention vote, than the convention vote should be based on the idealogy of the superdelegates purpose. Also, I feel that a lot of political figures declared whom they were voting for before the campaigning began, but like the voters....once the people began listening to Obama's message, views and seen how he has inspired millions of people to get involved and encourages them to have a voice then just like the people, the politicians are begining to rethink their initial decision.

Shawn Melvin   February 27th, 2008 3:14 pm ET

Its so funny that we forget When Bush gave his State of the Union Address at the end of 06 the news reporters had Hillary all over the news and they talked her up as being the number one choice for the Presidency in 08...How funny how time flies and this guy has come out of the wood works to put together a wonderful push for the presidency...You have to respect it can't deny it he is for real and Americans have to be ready for it ...I think the guy is great or lose he's made history...And the world is watching, americans will have a chance to get the respect back and began to re-sell the dream again..Mcain wins the rest of the world will go her we go again... Hillary wins they will say another Clinton... Obama wins the world will be in BLISS OVER AMERICA FOR WHILE......MARK MY WORD ON THAT..Hillary is great as well...

Nick   February 27th, 2008 3:13 pm ET

Wow – that one was easy to call. Especially after Jesse Jackson basically told him to get on the Obama train or end up losing his job to a younger candidate. Even though Obama has decried racism being a main factor in this election, it is alive and well, and living alongside sexism.
Obama is the divider here – not Clinton. And if he thinks that his election will end racial tension, he is really living in a fantasy world.

case   February 27th, 2008 3:13 pm ET


Wake up!!! Obama is not a Muslim, he is a member of the United Church of Christ. Even when he lived in a Muslim nation when he was a child he was not raised Muslim. And so the hell what if he was.

Mr. C.   February 27th, 2008 3:13 pm ET

For the people who made comment about him switching to OBAMA because he's Black, You guys have to be the most narrow minded kind of human beings on earth. What about the WHITE superdelegates switching to him or endorsing him... what is the reason this time? Some people are just mentally retarded when it comes to their thoughts. Always want to bring up the race issue.

Gobama   February 27th, 2008 3:13 pm ET

Time fore ALL Democrats to RALLY BEHIND THE NOMINEE! lol

If the Clintons want to do a Arkansas Huckabee (they are ALL from Arkansas) then let them alone. lol

Next tiny obstacle, John McCain, then the nation can breath a sigh of relief and begin the healing process.

Maggie   February 27th, 2008 3:13 pm ET

Rep. John Lewis should just shup up and stayed home, he is divisive politician

Steve MI   February 27th, 2008 3:13 pm ET

Ive been reading a lot of these blogs and see comments such as "if hillary doesnt get the nom. im voting for mccain." In reality, I think either candidate would beat Mccain. I support Obama 100%, and i really truly believe that an Obama/Hillary or even a Hillary/Obama campaign would blow the GOP out of the water in November. We would be too strong for the GOP to handle if we had both of these candidates representing us in either order. Anyone else agree or disagree? Just a thought...

Wayne, Greenville TX   February 27th, 2008 3:13 pm ET

An Open Letter to All Hillary Supporters:

If Barack Obama does end up as our nominee, PLEASE don't vote for McCain – you'll be playing into the hands of those who want to continue ruining our country. And the same goes for us Obama supporters. Whoever wins the Democratic nomination deserves the full support of ALL Democrats.

Thank you.

Wayne, Greenville, TX
(A Life-Long Democrat
who originally supported John Edwards
and now support Barack Obama)

Let's Go Dems   February 27th, 2008 3:12 pm ET

Obama/Clinton 08' & 12'

Clinton/Edwards 16' & 20'

It's time to focus on McCain now!!! He's going to be A LOT tougher than people think!!! Either Hillary or Obama will have a HARD fight on their hands going against McCain.

dimitri   February 27th, 2008 3:12 pm ET

wherever the wind blows.Typical politician!!

You are lyine   February 27th, 2008 3:12 pm ET

Anyone who says they won't vote for Obama if he wins, is lying. They will. However there is a huge group that will not ever vote for Hillary and the super delegates know it, so does everyone else, except for the 5 HRC supporters that keep submitting comments on CNN blogs as different names. You must be the only people in the campaign that knows how to "blog". So this guys endorsement is a flip flop, but that's what happens when you send Bill out to twist all their arms before the primaries even start, they have no choice but to look bad.

Michael   February 27th, 2008 3:12 pm ET

And the Obama braiin trust grows and grows.

Yasir   February 27th, 2008 3:12 pm ET

Great decision by a respected GA rep. It's becoming more obvious to all of us including the superdelegats as who the winner of this delegation is. thank's God..

I hope the rest of superdelegates are now encouraged to come forward and support our way out of th emess we in ..."Obama 08"


B.K.Armstrong   February 27th, 2008 3:12 pm ET

Hillary supporters like Proud Californian are a disgrace to the Democratic party. You would vote for McCain if she is not the nominee? That kind of attitude is the reason the MAJORITY of the party is supporting Sen.Obama.You are the reason our party won't win in NOV. because of your arrogant attitude.You along with your candidate feels she deserves the nomination because her last name is Clinton.You are sooooo selfish you would rather see another Republican in office than a Democrat! If Obama wasn't the nominee I would still vote for Sen.Clinton. But NOOOOOOOO not you!! Go play in traffic you traitor!!!!!!!!!

Paul Lennon   February 27th, 2008 3:11 pm ET

Before anyone votes Obama, people need to tune into black radio in this country and hear what the on air talk show hosts are saying.

How come nobody is talking about this?

As a Clinton supporter, I don't like what I'm hearing.

This is not the way to support a candidate.

logical   February 27th, 2008 3:11 pm ET

I just wanted to say that i really respect REP. STEPHANIE TUBBS. I heard her interview after the debate last night. Chris Matthews and andrea mitchell were asking her, more like pushing her to change sides and she said I am with Hillary since day one and will always be there to support her. In campaign there's up and down and she (Hillary) is a little down right now and needs my support and I will always be there to support her and SHE WILL BOUNCE BACK UP! That's what loyalty is all about, so I would urge people to stop jumping ship and stay put. I think she is a great lady. She's got integrity and surely respect from people like us. She is not looking for her own interests. Go Hillary '08!!!

Missouri   February 27th, 2008 3:11 pm ET

Let support the RIGHT THING and get together to build a wonderful state where evry one will be who HE IS.
DEMOGRATS 08!!!!!!!!!

helen   February 27th, 2008 3:10 pm ET

What an opportunitist. Shame on you.

Patricia   February 27th, 2008 3:10 pm ET

Karen you really need to read LaLa's post and get over it

pbs   February 27th, 2008 3:10 pm ET

I am so happy that he did a "switch-out". The civil rights movement and the struggle should be part of the foundation that his vote rests on. This is what is was all about whether any one admits it or not.
I am VERY pleased with his decsion along with the state of GA.

Mike   February 27th, 2008 3:10 pm ET

This is a PLOY by the Clinton's. What they are trying to do is show that all the BLACK political leaders are switching so that others will support her!!


Great American Sell-out   February 27th, 2008 3:10 pm ET

Disgusting sell-out!

Anonymous   February 27th, 2008 3:10 pm ET

for the idiots that keep saying this is a race thing.... HE WINS WHITES TOO ....... and to ask women to support Clinton because of gender i just plain dumb... grow up.... and some will vote for McCain to spite Obama.... i have to be kiddin.... then you'll be a two time loser

Karima   February 27th, 2008 3:09 pm ET

It's amazing to see the HATERS in full swing!! Obama is the better candidate to bring the country together, he has a better understanding of the needs of the people. Not the needs of the RICH or LOBBYIST'S, yes, he has not been in Washington as long as the Clintons, and you think that's a bad thing!! He has not had time to get cynical and forget about what's most important the PEOPLE of America.

Atl Republican   February 27th, 2008 3:09 pm ET

What kind of messages are being sent? Look at the microphone on the podium Lewis is speaking from. And we wonder why we get the incompitent, inexperienced, unqualified people running that we have.

Concerned Voter   February 27th, 2008 3:09 pm ET

So Obama is in trouble after all. Pathetic.

Re: Proud Californian   February 27th, 2008 3:09 pm ET

If you would vote for McCain over Obama simply because Clinton did not win, you're not keeping your eye on the ball. Clinton and Obama's policies are very similar, sometimes they are indistinguishable.

I was an Edwards supporter who has switched to Obama, but I would gladly vote for Clinton if she is the nominee. Both would be significantly better than McCain.

Vote policy, not personality!

Urbandale   February 27th, 2008 3:08 pm ET

How many have to quit Hillary for us to understand this race is over. Even at the Denver convention, Super Delegates are going to vote for Obama because they understood the game, Obama has Independents, Whites, Blacks, some Latinos and even Asians backing him up. They won't risk their vote on Hillary as She has already turned some of DEM supporters off. DEM need to win in the general election and Obama is the rock to overcome McCain.

Cheers! Obama, we are almost there.

Adiam48   February 27th, 2008 3:08 pm ET

very good news!!!

MannyG   February 27th, 2008 3:08 pm ET

For every one that jumps on the BHO band wagon there will a whole lot of undecided that will go with McCain. Way to go Dems, you really know how to lose an election.

Unbelievable :>(

tryme   February 27th, 2008 3:08 pm ET

I really like that Kalthleen Sibelius – the Kansas Governor. I sure hope Obama at least considers her for an important positin once he is president. Not sure if she is tactically a good VP choice, but I would love to see her as VP or somewhere up there someday.

Zoe   February 27th, 2008 3:08 pm ET

WOW, another black leader supporting a Black candidate BIG NEWS,
is this not rascist

FLA.   February 27th, 2008 3:07 pm ET

I am not surprised at all. When the world thought the patriots were going to win the SUPERBOWL, you had fans coming out of the woodwork. Fans of other teams jumping on the band wagon!
"I've been a patriot fan for a long time." yeah right.

Well look what happened there. I have lost respect for people and organized leaders whose vote sways on who looks like a sure thing.

In the world today anything can happen. Me? I'm sticking with CLINTON. If she doesn't get the nom I'm going to vote for Obama.

Yolanda Diaz   February 27th, 2008 3:07 pm ET

No surprise

Duh   February 27th, 2008 3:07 pm ET

I bet if she was black, he would have still been her friend and voted for her, Who needs friends like him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Elizabeth   February 27th, 2008 3:07 pm ET

VERY the moderators are accepting only the opinions favorable to Obama, shame on you people

Annie   February 27th, 2008 3:07 pm ET

Obama's had an overwhelming victory in Georgia and it only make sense to go with the people who put you in office. or, you might just as well retire come next election!

It's called Job Security!

Interesting   February 27th, 2008 3:07 pm ET

Funny, when Dodd backed Obama, was it because of his color?

When are poor people going to learn race & gender are just tools to divide & conquer?

If Obama can take on the Clintons, he can surely take on McCain.

America is better than this.

john-boy   February 27th, 2008 3:07 pm ET

two years ago i said that i would never vote for a republican again.
but if that is the best the democrats can ofer i again will vote for a republican. WAKE UP DEMOCRATS.

jeannie   February 27th, 2008 3:06 pm ET

Oh how suprising, If Obama gets the nominee maybe thats what all of us whites need to do go for John McCain since he's white. Who would be surprised another BLACK for Obama and they all call white people racist. What a joke!

Tony   February 27th, 2008 3:06 pm ET

Vote for race....Of course.
John McCain will get our votes if Hillary Clinton is not our nominee.

Steve Corneliussen   February 27th, 2008 3:06 pm ET

Hillary was doing just great - until people started voting.

james   February 27th, 2008 3:06 pm ET

We should all unite around the eventual candidate. People tend to personalize their political beliefs. That's understandable but cannot be so angered that we allow republicans to retain the White House. That is unacceptable. Both of our democratic candidates are exponentially better than the old man"the double talk express". It is time we unite.

Candace   February 27th, 2008 3:06 pm ET

People wake up! Get over the skin color of Obama. Lewis' support has nothing to do with the color of his skin. Please stop! As a black woman, my heart breaks each time I read comments like "DUH???? Just look at the color of his skin!! The notion that Lewis switched his support because his constituents carried Obama was just a pure non-sense. Doesn't he have his own belief and conviction?"

This isn't about Hillary or Obama, it's about pulling to together so that we don't have four more years of Bush's policies.

kent   February 27th, 2008 3:06 pm ET

Allow John Lewis his consience, free to be informed by the whole context of his decision. Then, allow John Lewis to vote according to the dictates of his conscience. Would you not expect the same for yourself and every voter?

Paris   February 27th, 2008 3:06 pm ET

Obama will not be elected in 08.
And thank god for that.

pete   February 27th, 2008 3:06 pm ET

The media isn't favoring Obama. He's just winning. I'm glad Sen. Clinton was able to give all her supporters an excuse for losing before she bows out.

Xavier, Washington, DC   February 27th, 2008 3:06 pm ET

Why is it that everytime a black person endorses Obama, it's because he's black but when a white person endorses him, nobody has anything to say? Currently, Obama has the support of over a dozen senators and governors, only one of whom is black (Patrick). Following your logic, every senator and governor who endorsed Clinton must have done so because she's white, right? That's stupid and so is your argument. Don't hate, congratulate.

Sal in Phoenix   February 27th, 2008 3:06 pm ET

It figures..when the chips are down, you see who your real friends are. I'm not surprised.

Di   February 27th, 2008 3:05 pm ET

Those people that voted for Obama in the primary elections will not be voting for him in the general election. They crossed over to keep Hilliary from winning. You watch!!!

Now US Hillary voters are going to cross over in the general election and vote for McCain. I do believe McCain will win by a landslide!!!

4hillarynow4obama   February 27th, 2008 3:05 pm ET

am switching too

Elizabeth   February 27th, 2008 3:05 pm ET

the more I learn about Politics and minorities like me the more I love my DOG...

Mati   February 27th, 2008 3:04 pm ET

What a disgrace. How much stupidity and sheep-like behavior can the American electorate show? You like or not like a candidate, you approve or not his/her policies.. you don't change your vote by the direction of the wind. It also shows that the Black community has no standards, they just look at the skin color. Otherwise, the black vote would be more balanced. Sorry for this stereotyping, but this is a big disappointment.


Rgene   February 27th, 2008 3:04 pm ET

Shame on you Lewis. As a superdelegate you should do the right thing and changing your support in mid-stream shows that you are more interested in race than in putting the Best Qualied candidate (Clinton) in the position for the president. Obama showed last night in the debate he didn't even have any idea who was going to be the next ruler of Russia and what other important facts is he behind in and where will he be when Clinton is not giving him the answers?
Lewis needs to have the balls to stand his ground and continue to support Clinton as he stated earlier in the campaign.
I look forward to Hillary getting the nomination and then where will these turncoats be.

andrew jones   February 27th, 2008 3:04 pm ET

Why is John Lewis jumping ship now?...2 protect his behind!

But since Billary says every delegate count, Obama will take this superdelegate vote to add to his column.

it's not Obama's problem that he is jumping ship; maybe Hillary's is sinking!


very annonymous   February 27th, 2008 3:04 pm ET

the more I learn about us minorities the more i like my dog....

Beca   February 27th, 2008 3:04 pm ET

OMG, Why is so important to get endorsements? We as americans cannot make our minds? We have to depend on this people to vote?That is a shame, obviously Obama without endorments is nothing, no baggage to the White House, just endorsements, words and two years of hagging around the streets of Chicago.
Go Hillaryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

Nelson   February 27th, 2008 3:04 pm ET

Lewis wants this race to end soon, as do most sensible democrats. McCain is already taking aim at the general election while Hillary is still holding onto her desperate dream to be the first female president. It's sad really. She was the frontrunner, confident, and proud. Now she's visibly irritated, testy and brutish during the debates, and her speeches. Sad.

Ed, Santa Fe NM   February 27th, 2008 3:04 pm ET

This is just the beginning of Hillary defecters... Her campaign is unravelling fast.

Chicka   February 27th, 2008 3:03 pm ET

Why is it that Hillary supporters immediately start making race/gender comments when someone switches?

You can say "Oh what a dirty lowdown two-faced cheating punk", and that's fine. But no, you have to play the race card, just like Hillary. What happens when Richardson votes for Obama? Are Clintonistas going to make anti-hispanic comments?

The one good thing about Obama winning, is that it will force all the race/religion/gender bashing people out of politics and into the corner bar where they belong.

Doomed   February 27th, 2008 3:03 pm ET

The democratic party is going to be the one doomed.

tryme   February 27th, 2008 3:03 pm ET

The truth is that Hillary is not all that bad. I just happen to like Obama a whole lot more. If it makes you feel better, I would vote for Hillary way before I even considered Rev Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson.

I guess I am saying that race and or gender means nothing to me. It's all about what I think the new president would contribute to my country and it's diverse citizens/residents, as well how he represents us amongst other global leaders.

Sylvia   February 27th, 2008 3:03 pm ET

pathetic....the race card

Emily Coletta   February 27th, 2008 3:02 pm ET

Adios, Clinton.

Liban   February 27th, 2008 3:02 pm ET

Lewis is a HIGHLY influential democrat, whose decision for Obama will cause more of a ripple than a landslide in superdelegate sway toward Obama.

Lewis, I commend you for taking a stand for democracy by representing your state's constituency proudly.

And to people who say "eww how racist," cut it out, lest we forget the considerable list of white SD's supporting Obama and the list of black SD's stubbornly clinging to Clinton.

Obama '08!

Stevo   February 27th, 2008 3:02 pm ET

Hey, History can repeat itself. The first of two first timers.

However, OBAMA first and then Clinton.


Steven   February 27th, 2008 3:02 pm ET

Traitor–Trying to jump on the band wagon?

Billie Arnett - Wright City, MO   February 27th, 2008 3:02 pm ET

I'm not sure America is ready for Obama's "Changes"!! I, as an independent would shudder if he wins the election. It has nothing to do with color, but much to do with his personal beliefs and the fear of his not being able to separate the from what is best for the nation and our world! I would hate to put another republican in the White House considering the state of things in this country, but Obama will NOT GET MY VOTE. I could choose not to vote, but believe it is a right we ALL should take advantage of, therefore, I may have to vote republican.

George McGovernwannabee   February 27th, 2008 3:02 pm ET

Lala, WE welcome the WAR against the MURDER OF THE UNBORN, with the number one culprit being DEMOCRATS!

manny james marietta ga   February 27th, 2008 3:02 pm ET


Tonya   February 27th, 2008 3:01 pm ET

Its kind of sad to see what this election is doing to the Democratic party. And the comments about people voting for Obama JUST BECAUSE he is Black are ludicris!!! It goes to show what's REALLY in some of your hearts. Although I support Obama, I WILL vote for Hillary if she wins the nomination because I vote DEMOCRATIC!!!

Lisa   February 27th, 2008 3:01 pm ET

What's the problem, One Million and Counting???

Obama has received 10,693,494 votes,yet only has 1,000,017 money backers???? What's wrong with this picture???? Hopefully all 10M plus will vote for him in the general election, even though they didn't see fit to support his campaign moniterily in the primaries.

Oh, by the way Hillary has received 10,413,915 votes so far!!!! it is closer than the Obama hounds (and the media) want to suggest!

Bleuceruleum   February 27th, 2008 3:01 pm ET

Well, you have two issues here: More support for Obama- and if Lewis is backing his voters then I feel he did the right thing as per his position... and then.......... to me there's the issue of personal intregrity and loyalty. I wonder if Obama should drop in the polls, etc. if Mr. Lewis would jump ship again.

at any rate, with the dirty politics Hillary has – and continues to play – I hope her support continues to erode. and, if she joins Obama's ticket, I'll vote for Bush.

A True black American   February 27th, 2008 3:01 pm ET

If Obama thinks he will steal democratic nomination i will intentionally go for McCain in Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bruce Taylor,Berkeley/Sacramento,CA   February 27th, 2008 3:01 pm ET

Dear " Proud Californian"

Your biggest issue to worry about should be yourself.

hsl   February 27th, 2008 3:00 pm ET

Are you really that surprised?

Barack Oprah   February 27th, 2008 3:00 pm ET

He will switch from Obama to McCain later.

will   February 27th, 2008 2:59 pm ET

trouble in Hillaryland she is sinking

America say no dynasty

Tim   February 27th, 2008 2:58 pm ET

If I say this over and over, will it eventually sink in? Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are both highly intelligent and highly capable to lead our country. If the dems lose the election it will be overzealous supporters who "drive the bus into the ditch". Get smart. We have a war to end, an environment to repair, and economy to turn around. It's up to us. I do not like Clinton personally, but of course I wil l vote democratic because it matters too much not to. And fellow Obama supporters, a few of you need to stop insulting Clinton and being generally arrogant and ungracious. We don't play that way. Please check yourselves. I hope some reasonable Clinton supporters will ask their fellow posters to do the same. We're in this together.

Melody   February 27th, 2008 2:58 pm ET

come on, maybe the Obama supporters are watching a different debate, as for me Obama just agree with Hillary and has not given any sustantial plan nor a opinion. Lets be real , this man is all talk and no action

Chris   February 27th, 2008 2:58 pm ET

"Proud Californian" you really need to leave that racial stuff where it belongs in the gutter.

Sheila Jackson Lee for Vice President.   February 27th, 2008 2:58 pm ET

Do we know why Lewis switched sides? I thought he was a long time friend of the Clinton's? I don't understand what he decision came down to.

No worries, we have Sheila Jackson Lee in Houston, Texas. Thank you very much for all your support Sheila!

Go Hillary!

Stevo   February 27th, 2008 2:58 pm ET

Has anyone seen the latest poll on McCain. Cnn says McCain will be hard to beat. However when Obama pick Clinton for the Veep, who will McCain's pick to his Veep, Nadar?

Republicrat   February 27th, 2008 2:58 pm ET

I agree with Mike.

Democrats who say they will refuse to vote if their candidate is not nominated are not democrats. People who hold this point of view are childish and the reason the country is in its current state. Hopefully these people can do some soul searching and focus on the issues instead of a ridiculous vendetta.

Prof Michael Peterson   February 27th, 2008 2:58 pm ET

Denounce = condemn = censure = deplore = deprecate

Reject = refuse = decline = deny = snub

Just for fun. Which seems stronger to you?

Lee, Sacramento, CA   February 27th, 2008 2:58 pm ET

Rep. John Lewis did the right thing. He did not undermine the voters of his district which Barack Obama carried in the primary. He understands that voters decide elections – not politicians. He did not silence his constituents. He simply amplified their political voices.

Warren   February 27th, 2008 2:58 pm ET

Thank you so much Rep. John Lewis for believing in the people and Sen. Barack Obama's leadership! Obama'08 "YES WE CAN"

JC   February 27th, 2008 2:58 pm ET

The problem alot of the superdelegates are facing is that they backed Hillary too soon because they liked Bill, not Hillary. Now they are seeing who is the better candidate and backing based on their true convictions. Doesn't help Hillary that she, hands down LOST the debate last night. Way to go Barack.

Doreen Johnson   February 27th, 2008 2:58 pm ET

Guess with a friend like that, you don't need any enemies. I used to admire the man...that has just disintegrated. Although I suppose it's all politics isn't it – everyone wants to be on the side of perceived winner – how disappointing.

RWM   February 27th, 2008 2:58 pm ET

A black man endorsing a black man...whats new?

Scott   February 27th, 2008 2:57 pm ET

He did exactly what he should have done. He was elected by the people and he should represent what the people who elected him represent. Because Obama had such a strong win in that state, it shows what the Demicrates of that state want. I, for one, think it's a good thing. It's nice to vote for something and not have a representive that I put in place tell me I'm wrong and go a different way.

Proud Texan   February 27th, 2008 2:57 pm ET

DItto for Proud Californian

wait a minute   February 27th, 2008 2:57 pm ET

I would switch from Hillary to Obama, too.
I can't believe she demanded Obama to literally denounce and reject Farrakhan. Does she have any respect for our freedom of speech?

How can this medieval queen be our president or even senator?

Kris, Kiev Ukraine   February 27th, 2008 2:57 pm ET

It appears the gods have said that Madam Clinton, will neither get the nomination nor become President. Very inteesting how the once ridiculed and almost rejected stone is fast becoming the main piller that hold the house, This is indeed the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in the sight of men. Lets keep watching.

John - Spokane, WA   February 27th, 2008 2:57 pm ET

Hillary is obligated to the voters to stay in ALL THE WAY to the Convention until ALL VOTES are counted including FLORIDA & MICHIGAN even if its a Brokered Convention – If Obama is short of Votes, he would have just as much obligation to either QUIT or Stay in as Hillary would. Even the Republicans dont hound Huckabee as much as they do Hillary and he has 0 chance !!

Anonymous   February 27th, 2008 2:56 pm ET

Whats the big deal. He wasn't the first

esor   February 27th, 2008 2:56 pm ET

Mr.Lewis,The bible clearly states a double minded man is unstable in

all his ways.You could never be a friend of mine.I am

convinced,Washington need to cleaned out ,with all new blood.

Alice   February 27th, 2008 2:56 pm ET

Gee, I'm so surprised.

I don't care who endorses Obama, he will lose in November if he is the Democratic nominee.

I live in Florida (yeah, one of those big states), and everyone I know says the same thing. If it's Obama, we're voting McCain.

And it has nothing to do with being a "disloyal" Democrat. I have voted Democratic all my life, but I cannot see Mr. "Hope" in the White House. He scares me to death, and his wife and his supporters scare me even more.

These times are too dangerous to trust them to a novice. Obama has no experience, has accomplished nothing of note, votes "present" to cover his butt, would have been out of the race long ago if the media had not crowned him their King for who knows what reason, and umms and awwwwws his way through debates when he's not saying, "Oh, yeah, what she said."

The only thing he does well is give a pretty speech, and that's not good enough for me or any of the people I know.

Clinton or McCain 08

Sally   February 27th, 2008 2:56 pm ET

To Praetorian, Ft. Myers, FL,
That was a very ignorant statement for you to make. How many black senators have supported white candidates for so may years? Too many to name! Please stop it with your racist views.

Mike, Atlanta GA   February 27th, 2008 2:56 pm ET

I live in ATL, in Lewis' district. Because he lacks integrity and gives in to pressure, how can I expect him to stand up for me. I will be voting against him in future elections.

S.Friedman, Pacific Palisades,CA   February 27th, 2008 2:55 pm ET

Another 'Profiles in Courage' chapter, this time for Rep. Lewis.

Recognize   February 27th, 2008 2:55 pm ET

Karen – You are so far off the reservation that it's scary. How is Obama a liar? Please site examples. He has been more then accountable on his actions or mishaps, unlike Hillary. Your ignorance shows when you say "I bet Obama will be sworn on Koran book but not the bible". First of all, it's Quran, and if you'd actually bother to educate yourself, you would know that Obama was sworn into the Senate with the Holy Bible.

Please wake up, do some homework, and get over your racist self. People like you is why the democratic party is so divided.

P.S. – Ignorance is bliss.

Anthony   February 27th, 2008 2:55 pm ET

You know that saying about rats jumping off a ship....yeah.

B.K.Armstrong   February 27th, 2008 2:55 pm ET

As an African-American man,I appreciate the sacrifice of John Lewis during the civil rights movement.But the bandwagon is FULL!!!!!!
It's time to focus on the White House- Beat McCain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bond   February 27th, 2008 2:55 pm ET

Wow, what a concept. A politician listening to his constituency, as it should be. The people have spoken loud and clear for Obama.

JohnS   February 27th, 2008 2:54 pm ET

This endorsement has nothing to do with RACE. Why blame so many others but those running the Hillary campaign!

It's the media against Hillary
It's the Clinton haters against Hillary
It's the lovers of Monica Lewinsky against Hillary
It's the problem of being given the FISRT question each time.
It's becuase Obama copies Hillary's answers
It's because of that period of the month
It's because of not "meeting me in Ohio earlier for the debate."
It's because of not finding time to file my taxes

When is this ever going to stop? I care less about the positions of these candidates. I am interested in leadership that;

will restore the values and image of the U.S. to teh world
will make me feel proud at home and abroad
will give me real HOPE about the challenges that lie ahead
will BRING people together to solve real problems!!!

Obamacrat   February 27th, 2008 2:54 pm ET

Another superdelegate lost. Time to turn up the volume on the whole "we cannot disenfranchise Florida and Michigan voters" arguement. Hillary will need those delegates now more than ever.

TheTruthHurts   February 27th, 2008 2:54 pm ET

Bottom Line. His constituency led to this decision. I'm sure he likes both candidates, but he realizes and SAID, Obama has tapped into something transformational that Hillary simply can't.

No one is really denying this. Their comeback is that Obama is just smoke and mirrors and no substance. Hillary knows that's not true and when in a debate, she can't say otherwise. It's insulting to even imply and for those doubters, vist Obama's website and check his policy positions (which most already acknowledge are similar).

Face it, on the issues their similar, on energy and fight it's a draw. On leadership and charisma, he kills her. Most importantly, on the ability to get Americans to step up and do what is necessary, he is the ONLY candidate positioned to do this. PERIOD. You all know it and I haven't seen ANY arguments to the contrary.

Disappointed, FL   February 27th, 2008 2:54 pm ET

Man... I'm hoping for another Impeached Clinton!!!

Kenneth   February 27th, 2008 2:54 pm ET

Keep in mind, Lewis was probably under a lot of pressure from his mostly African-American constituency to throw his support behind Obama. He may be a Clinton backer, but you can't get re-elected when you blatantly go against the will of the citizens you represent. So he has to eat his words a little: big deal. Better that than following Hillary into political oblivion. Everyone learn a lesson from this: it is never too late to get it right.


E Popp   February 27th, 2008 2:54 pm ET

Hillary, stand firm until August. Let's let the superdelegates get together in Denver, and then the pros can make the right decision. Face it, politics is a profession, the work gets done by people in the know, and people with IOU's owed and owed to. You Americans want to stay naive and simplistic, and that's how Obama is treating you.

terry   February 27th, 2008 2:54 pm ET

Hey, Wayne. Get ready to vote McCain buddy.

Di   February 27th, 2008 2:54 pm ET

Black on Black....what would you expect!!!

I am with you Proud Californian!!!

Anna   February 27th, 2008 2:54 pm ET

Thank you Redp Lewis!!!

GO Home Hillary. PLEASE!!!!

OBAMA 08!!!

Candy   February 27th, 2008 2:54 pm ET

it is very clear that this election is based on RACE, especially for part of the blacks. after all they forgot how much the Clintons helped them.

obama 08   February 27th, 2008 2:53 pm ET

John Lewis' state of Georgia voted overwhelmingly for Obama. He did the right thing.

David   February 27th, 2008 2:53 pm ET

Of course he switched, he's African American. Guess he never received the first memo that was sent out by Barack and Oprah.

Peter Kavanagh   February 27th, 2008 2:53 pm ET

You can bet that these endorsements and the rest to come this week are the direct result of Hillery going nuts on the weekend . I mean that was really strange on Sat. and Sun. I bet you won't see Gov. Strictland at any more events .

the messenger   February 27th, 2008 2:53 pm ET

Even in the unlikely event that Clinton wins Texas/Ohio next week, she's got to do it by something like 20 pts to pull even. Since this is highly unlikely, who's going to tell her its over? She doesn't seem willing/able to come to that realization herself... Thats one messenger I don't think I'd like to be.

Earl, Oregon   February 27th, 2008 2:53 pm ET

What a ditz. Another teenybopper going goo-goo-gaa-gaa over the "cool" guy. The reality is his support means nothing because it's not solid. He's acting like a typical highschool groupie and he'll switch again after Hillary takes the lead in delegates.

I'm ashamed that people like him hold office in our country.

Ian   February 27th, 2008 2:53 pm ET

Obama can do no wrong, since Obama hasnt done anything yet.
Why not vote for Larry down in Accounting?
He hasnt been in politics too long either.

Laurie, Vancouver, Canada   February 27th, 2008 2:53 pm ET

Superdelegates are supposed to cast their vote on the basis of superior knowledge of the candidates abilities and policies, not accordiing to the preferences of their constitutents.... constituents get their own chance to have a say in the primaries. Let's be realistic, this is a decision based on race, self-interest, and most probably a healthy dose of misogyny for good measure.

Sally   February 27th, 2008 2:52 pm ET

To Praetorian, Ft. Myers, FL,
That was a very ignorant staement for you to make. How many black senators have supported while candataers for so may years? Too many to name! Please stop it with your racist views.

Freedom Lawrence   February 27th, 2008 2:52 pm ET

America democrat, dont be fool by the clintons.... even God said ask and it shall be given...... though OBAMA loses or wins, i think LEWIS has turned his unto God whom Obama represent. I beleive Lewis has done justice not for obama but for those that support Obama which is the change Obama is talking about. Thanks to the most high God for we all can see it in reality.

kathy   February 27th, 2008 2:52 pm ET

I can't wait for Sen Ted Kennedy and John Kerry to switch their votes.......

Tom Green New York New York   February 27th, 2008 2:52 pm ET

Wait a minute CNN - You don't think your readers see that you're only allowing nice comments about this and that you're deleting the real comments on this subject??? This is racism at its best yet you're moderating opinions out here and not allowing people to post comments. What is going on here?

John - Spokane, WA   February 27th, 2008 2:52 pm ET

SO WHAT ! He's one delegate out of 2025, How come its NEVER News when Hillary picks one up ?

Nancy   February 27th, 2008 2:52 pm ET


Deb   February 27th, 2008 2:52 pm ET

This reminds me of the OJ Simpson trial where black people sided with him regardless. I feel Obama has played the race card and poached Hillary's delegates and that is a good reason not to vote for him.

I've just made up my mind GO HILLARY!!!

Smith   February 27th, 2008 2:52 pm ET





has as much GOOD SENSE!

Democrats UNITE!


di   February 27th, 2008 2:51 pm ET

mike huckabee has not dropped out why should hilary... even if she loses both texas and ohio she should stay on till the convention and fight him with superdelegates.

Kareem from Hampton VA   February 27th, 2008 2:51 pm ET

Its funny!! The man said he switched because of his constiuents! Obama carried his district in atlanta! If he was voting for Obama because he was black why wait until this week? Obama's been black the whole time! He's doing what a superdelegate should do! No More, No Less!! I do agree with Lala! How many times do our candidates have to say that they agree with a lot of issues and even the things they do disagree about are not about policy. Its strategy! So either way no matter WHO wins we need to support them! Im gonna say it once and Ill say it again! THE REPUBLICANS ARE GATHERING...AND THE SMOKE OF MT. DOOM RISES AGAIN!!! GET IT TOGETHER DEMOCRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Antparty   February 27th, 2008 2:51 pm ET

I'm a white guy living in John Lewis' district. I vote for and support John Lewis.

I voted for Barack. I would be fine if HRC won, but there's a movement going on that gives us all hope. I think the one who could best change this country is without a doubt, Barack Obama. I think Rep. Lewis is now reflecting the views of his constituents. After all, isn't that the job of a REPRESENTATIVE?

Thanks, Rep. Lewis

Allen   February 27th, 2008 2:51 pm ET

Who cares. There is very little difference in these two clowns.

Terri   February 27th, 2008 2:50 pm ET

The poster(s) who say he changed his tune because Obama is now a "winner" – he stated his change was because his constituents are choosing Obama. A good politician votes in favor of the majority of his/her constituents. It's called democracy.

rb   February 27th, 2008 2:50 pm ET

What it says to you about John Lewis? I don't care what race he is.


Talking about old Washington politics.

Rob   February 27th, 2008 2:50 pm ET

It amazes me how many politicians are dropping – or distancing themselves – from Hillary Clinton. Happily, I might add. As my Dad would say, "they're falling like leaves."

Sen. Clinton has no idea how ridiculous she is coming across in the media. She's losing, and she knows it. She tries to be sincere, but she comes across to me like Tilda Swinton's role in Michael Clayton: An attorney with an agenda. A bad one.

Charles   February 27th, 2008 2:50 pm ET

That is why the superdelegate should be elimated from the Democrat's strategy. Change your mind to support the apparent winner, huh Mr. Lewis? Why didn't you wait until your constituents voted in Georgia before you blindly gave your " Super Delegate" vote to the Clinton's? Do you need a calendar of events so you won't look stupid in the future? If I were the Obama camp, I would keep a close eye on you. Maybe you will change you mind after the March 4th primaries. I hope your constituents are noting your behavior Mr. Lewis, I wonder how you voted on Iraq and China's favored nation status. GO OBAMA!

Anonymous   February 27th, 2008 2:50 pm ET

This is a popularity contest. The country wants Obama, but the country needs Hillary. People are jumping on the bandwagon because it is the "cool" thing to do. The other day a reporter asked a college student why she was voting for Obama, and her reply was because he stood for change and because she believes in him. When the reporter asked her about Obama's views on certain issues, she knew zip zilch, but hey, it's the "cool" thing to do. Sad. I like Obama. He is intelligent and charismatic, but I wonder how much substance there is to him. I agree with one political analyst who called Obama, another Jimmy Carter, a popular guy, but no subsance.

Rick   February 27th, 2008 2:50 pm ET

Congressman Lewis, a so-called legacy to Dr. King's legacy shows his cowardice and weakness by dropping the ball. If a person can't keep their word and stick by their promise to support you when the chips are down, how reliable will THEY be when things go badly for you?

Obama is getting "fairweather" media-driven support. I don't know about you but that's weak, shifting "support" that will abandon you when the chips are down.

Obama supporters are like the shifting sand...whatever the media tells them to do, they do it.

david   February 27th, 2008 2:50 pm ET

clinton supporters are running like rats on a ship now. after somedays there will be no rats left on Clinoton ship. Obama house will be full of fat rats.

park more   February 27th, 2008 2:50 pm ET

Hillary is better than that. She is doing great

Obamacrat   February 27th, 2008 2:50 pm ET

Hillary, leave gracefully. Don't split the party.

Ellie Carter   February 27th, 2008 2:50 pm ET

All -

Let's get real here. If you are delegate or super delegate and your state supports Obama and Clinton loses Ohio, it would be political suicide to NOT support the nominee.

That's like going against Bill Gates or Warren Buffet. Get real. In politics all is common sense. YOU go with the winner in your party because you are basically on the same team and a team is stronger "together" than apart. This is not a personal contest... it's team against team. Republican vs. Democrats. If the Republicans win we will have the another 8 YEARS OF BUSHMAN MENTALITY YET AGAIN!!

McCain is a Bush supporter and has supported everything Bush has shoved down his throat. So if you want another Bush Presidency, then go ahead and vote for McCain and see what it gets you!

How soon we forget on which political coat tail McCain is loyal to. Pleeez even Stevie Wonder could see this joker!

Chris   February 27th, 2008 2:50 pm ET

Hilary is not doomed. I voted for Barack, and I want him to win, but people need to stop counting their chickens before they are hatched. Obama needs to win Texas and he has to come close in Ohio and PA. Even then, there are plenty of super delegates that are backing Hilary.

Obama '08, but there is still a long way to go - were not through it yet.

Jayjay   February 27th, 2008 2:50 pm ET

It's all about race, plain and simple.

Herb   February 27th, 2008 2:49 pm ET

Barack can talk, but can he lead? Start asking him the tuff questions. Such as how are you going to change things. You haven't done a whole lot since he has been in Washington. Talking is one thing. Executing plans is another

Angie, LA.   February 27th, 2008 2:49 pm ET

Praotoria, Ft. Myers, FL, race has nothing to do with it silly!!! He made a smart decision. He is following his district wishes. All superdelegates should listen to the voters in their district. No one wants Hillary. She is just too unstable. It is too personal for her. It is about her lagacy not the well being of Americans. Watch how quickly she will forget about being an honory Latino after Texas votes.

PMS and hot flashes can not run the White house. Just like alcohol has ruined it for the past 8 years. ( You know exactly what I mean)

Corey's Corner   February 27th, 2008 2:49 pm ET

Smart man! It only makes sense. If we stop for a minute and look at the nature of thoughts and behaviors we can predict that Obama will be the nominee. Hillary is just not the best candidate. May be she will be next time after Obama's successful 8 years in the White house.

Se   February 27th, 2008 2:49 pm ET

So sad...Hillary and Obama are running at the same time..I'd like to see the FIRST WoMAN and FIRST BLACk president in my lifetime...

John   February 27th, 2008 2:49 pm ET

Last laugh...Clinton still wins

George S. Williams   February 27th, 2008 2:48 pm ET

Good Riddance to Hillary. We Need Another Clinton Like We Needed Another Bush! Time to stop the madness of nepotism and dynasty and give someone new a chance.

erica   February 27th, 2008 2:48 pm ET


YES. Because if Clinton does not win the nomination she would, of course, endorse Obama because she is gracious.

WE would still vote for McCain instead because we KNOW we need someone with experience in office right now. I am most certainly not a conservative-not by any stretch of the imagination. I am just tired of being the laughing stock of the world for giving people the most important job in the country with no qualified experience. We are in the middle of two wars, for f's sake!

PS: CNN please stop censoring me!

Shenehneh from Chappaqua   February 27th, 2008 2:48 pm ET

***Remember this when you go to the polls people***

A vote for Obama is like a vote for your mamma!

Barack Obama '08 & '12

Michiel W   February 27th, 2008 2:48 pm ET

To all of you out there jumping for joy, just a reminder, the primaries go on into JUNE. Give people a chance to vote. Anyone who believes this race is over is sadly delusional. I for one am sick and tired of the media trying to decide who the Democratic candidate will be before all of the votes are counted. Anyone watching the debate last night will realize who is the better candidate. And it wasn't the one who hemmed and hawed, or merely mirrored Hillary Clinton's answers!

Joss   February 27th, 2008 2:48 pm ET

Praetorian, Ft. Myers, FL – it's a shame all you see is the color of people's skin. His endorsement has nothing to do with Obama being black.

Jim-Minnesota   February 27th, 2008 2:48 pm ET

This highlights the problems with politians. They say one thing then do the other. Representative Lewis promises one thing to Hillary, then another thing to Obama.

park more   February 27th, 2008 2:47 pm ET

It's not a surprise!!! No trust and no committment!!!!!
Hillary does not need this bad game

Chris Troy   February 27th, 2008 2:47 pm ET

Knock, knock..... who's that at the door? Oh, thats defeat! Answer it Hilla-skank! Accept it! Stop wasting time and money!

Kay   February 27th, 2008 2:47 pm ET

Thank you John Lewis, another small but meaningful victory, now bring along some friends.

Obama 2008

Marty, Orlando Fl   February 27th, 2008 2:47 pm ET

Hillary, if you don't leave NOW, you will be embarrased.

GO GO GO OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kc   February 27th, 2008 2:47 pm ET

It's pretty sad that Americans were fooled again 7 years after Bush.

Go Hillary! 35 years hard-working woman!!

Wake up folks! Research research...Chicago, ABC Nightline!!!

elyce Ellington   February 27th, 2008 2:47 pm ET

For those Hilary supporters that can't compose/spell a complete sentance, perhaps you too should vote for Obama. He has a great education plan that will enable you to attend a college and get edumucated.

It's not about race, it's not about's about the better candidate. Hilary proposes bills and amendments in congress that get no backing, Obama seems to be able to get things done.

Best of luck to both candidates.

Gabrielle, Lancaster SC   February 27th, 2008 2:47 pm ET

This isn't about race. Its about the representative listening to his constituents. Why can't people see that?

KW   February 27th, 2008 2:46 pm ET

Why are we not surprised? The majority of the Blacks that voted for the Clintons in the past have now turned to Obama.

What does 85 to 90% of the Blacks voting for Obama say?
Answer: we have not come that far with racism. I don't understand why more whites are not offended by the percentages of blacks that are voting for's a clear slap in the face for whites.

I don't condone racism on either side....but come on! when the percentages are that high you have got to suspect racism.

Tony in Albany, NY   February 27th, 2008 2:46 pm ET

'Nuff said...

v   February 27th, 2008 2:45 pm ET


"Ready Steady–here come Haters"..and there you go..As usual Hillary Supporters whining....

Stavy   February 27th, 2008 2:45 pm ET

John Lewis is currently being challenged by a 30 year old in this district for their July primaries, I think this also had something to do with it. But you also got to think of momentum because if Hilary had more delegates than Obama, Lewis would not have switched even if his district voted overwhelmingly for Obama.

The democratic establishment needs to wrap this thing up after March 4th. I think the superdelegates should let everyone know now where they stand. This does not have to go to the convention, McCain seems to be gaining grounds the longer this goes on.

Alex Smith   February 27th, 2008 2:45 pm ET

All this shows when a person switches there support is they are no good on there word. When you back someone and give them your word, you stick by them through thick and thin. This makes me sick as an Amercian , everyone wants to win and thats all they care about. What happened when peoples word was as strong as oak, when a captain went down with the ship. When a posse rode together even to death. Morals that our country has been built on. This is sicking for him not for Hillary.

Steve, Chelsea, MI   February 27th, 2008 2:45 pm ET

Karen February 27th, 2008 2:26 pm ET

Tell the people that the world becomes very sickening and crazy! Political is very dirty and tricky! Obama is a liar!! I won't vote anyone for President because of b.s potical!! I bet Obama will be swron on Koran book but not the bible!! The world will be confused by the people. That's your choice to vote the wrong person like Bush!

Thank you Karen, for vowing not to vote. I believe that everyone has the right to vote, but being WILLFULLY ignorant on candidates is criminal.

FACT: Obama is a Christian, he will certainly be sworn in on a bible. In fact, I'd be willing to bet my life that he's more Christian than Bush could ever be.

Nick B   February 27th, 2008 2:45 pm ET

She needs to drop out, for all of us Dems!!! Stop prolonging what was once an exciting primary, you are killing our spirit!!

Orlando from Hawaii   February 27th, 2008 2:45 pm ET

Clearly this is a CYA move! If he plans on being re-elected again, trying to make sure he appeases his constituents!

Obama 08!!

Wesley   February 27th, 2008 2:45 pm ET


You already told us this a week ago. Obama has a poor debate, and here you come with the headlines. I beg you: please vet Barack Obama before its too late.

Angelika   February 27th, 2008 2:45 pm ET

Wow. hillary acted CIVILIZED? I almost expected her to scream and point a finger at someone for causing Lewis to leave. Haha, well, at least she isn't TOTALLY bad.

Ruben   February 27th, 2008 2:44 pm ET

From PA,

From all accounts, it seems that Obama won the last debate. He also looked much more Presidential than Hillary.

Nick B   February 27th, 2008 2:44 pm ET

Thank you Mr. Lewis!!!!

park more   February 27th, 2008 2:44 pm ET


DISGRACE   February 27th, 2008 2:43 pm ET

You all ought to be ashamed of yourselves! I have never seen such hypocrisy in all of my years! You're voting race, people! I won't be a part of it. I was for Obama before, but not anymore. He's riding on race and nothing else. I won't be a part of it. And John Lewis is a disgrace!

Suzie Wilhelm   February 27th, 2008 2:43 pm ET

Way to Go Barack!


Beth Jackson   February 27th, 2008 2:43 pm ET

You all ought to be ashamed of yourselves! I have never seen such hypocrisy in all of my years! You're voting race, people! I won't be a part of it. I was for Obama before, but not anymore. He's riding on race and nothing else. I won't be a part of it. And John Lewis is a disgrace!

Mike T   February 27th, 2008 2:43 pm ET

This just keeps getting better and better! So when will Clinton admit defeat and quit?

Jazz   February 27th, 2008 2:43 pm ET

Lewis is facing a challenger to his seat because of his support for Hillary. This switch is not a profile in courage. Older black voters know the score and continue to support Hillary.
On Feb 11,2008 on the national black radio's Tom Joyner Morning Show Jessee Jackson asked that people not vote black caucus members out because they were voting for Hillary. Jessee Jackson Jr, a cochair of Obama's campaign had spoken to Joyner that weekend hoping he would encourage people to cast out these same members. The elder Jackson knows the score. So does Lewis.
Real Democrats Don't Quit!!!

MN Woman   February 27th, 2008 2:43 pm ET

Oh great, another, gutless wonder!

jw, canadian,ok   February 27th, 2008 2:42 pm ET

Whatzi matter John, afraid if Hillary wins you won't get that cabinet post?

Sarah   February 27th, 2008 2:42 pm ET

Karen, don't speak until you know what you are talking about. First of all, Obama is the best candidate, not only as a Democrat, but as a candidate to face McCain. But I completely respect Clinton supporters and I wouldn't write against you about that. But Obama is a devout Christian. He is not Muslim. I suggest watching actual news rather than your Fox crap and learn about what is going on!

Sara   February 27th, 2008 2:42 pm ET

Thank you for your supporat, Mr. Lewis. A wise choice.

Debbie   February 27th, 2008 2:42 pm ET

Thank you Mr. Lewis.

It's time for the democratic party to come together and be one. Republicans are benefiting too much from this. Democrats need a united effort or there is no chance this fall.

Several more super delegates will likely voice their support for Obama prior to Tuesday's election. They know the party cannot afford to let the Republicans get 2 months of momentum for McCain.

Kim   February 27th, 2008 2:42 pm ET

This situation as reported is exactly what is tearing the party apart, people that do not have the guts to stand up for who they believe in, instead of jumping on the bandwagon, 4 more years republicans. Tha's it for the democratic party, the Obama supporters, can play the race card all day long and no one says anything. I guess now Ted Kennedy and John Kerry will be switching to Hillary. Crazy

Some guy   February 27th, 2008 2:41 pm ET

Typical Obama speech: A noun, then a verb, then the word "change." *insert here whatever the audience probably wants to hear*

B. Smart   February 27th, 2008 2:41 pm ET

Way to Go John!!!!!! Obama 08.

Dave   February 27th, 2008 2:41 pm ET

the wheels continue to fly off!!

Ellie Carter   February 27th, 2008 2:41 pm ET

I'm so glad Congressman Lewis has switched his vote. God be the glory, it's time we move this country forward with new ideals and new strategies. Obama is the man for the job.

Carolyn   February 27th, 2008 2:41 pm ET

I have a question for all of Hillary supports>>>why is that her supporters are leaving her and yet you haven't of anyone switching from Obama to Hillary. This is something to think about.

Hope from Canada   February 27th, 2008 2:41 pm ET

Sharon of Illinois – Well said! I couldn't agree with you more,

John   February 27th, 2008 2:41 pm ET

No moral person, how can people believe in him.

BM   February 27th, 2008 2:41 pm ET

I think the actual response from Senator Clinton was, "There goes another rat leaving the sinking ship."

houston for Obama   February 27th, 2008 2:40 pm ET

lol McCain's not gonna know what hit him

hey where are McCains medical records anyway?

Leo   February 27th, 2008 2:40 pm ET

Thank you!!

Keep them coming!

Go Obama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jenny, Rio Vista, CA   February 27th, 2008 2:40 pm ET

Karen. Please stop writing such nonsense. No-one admires people like you. Just crawl back under the rock you slithered out from. Thanks.

P   February 27th, 2008 2:39 pm ET

Can you say "flip-flop"? Lets go with the favorites! And we're supposed to take this mans word? What a train hopper, glad he doesn't represent me.


interesting   February 27th, 2008 2:39 pm ET

Isn't it interesting that Obama has never said anything about race but people bring it up anyway.

Isn't it interesting how Clinton had the minority vote before she belittled MLK for LBJ. And no one links that to her poor showing now?

Isn't it interesting that Clinton always talks about how being a woman president is her change and no one talks about it.

LaTeef Alade Alpharetta,GA   February 27th, 2008 2:39 pm ET

Congress man Lewis made the right decision supporting Mr. Obama, voting for Hillary could have cost him to lose respect and re election in his constituence.

James   February 27th, 2008 2:39 pm ET

I am an Obama supporter. Shame on you Lewis. You have to be stable. Don't run away from Hillary because things are not looking good for her. What are friends for. That is ridiculous.

jaylee   February 27th, 2008 2:39 pm ET

Who cares?

Think for yourselves people.

Bill   February 27th, 2008 2:38 pm ET

Yeah, I question his motives, but welcome aboard nevertheless.

Hope we get more of these in the next week. Watching Hillary flop around like an animal in a trap is just painful...

Viktoriya   February 27th, 2008 2:38 pm ET

It is rather sad story.
You relay on your friends, but in the moment you need them the most they switch…

Texas4Obama   February 27th, 2008 2:38 pm ET

Everyone on the blogs/comments need to stay respectful to all the candidates and senators and representatives and to each other.

More than likely Senator Obama will be our next President of the UNITED States of America.

Obama '08/12

Too   February 27th, 2008 2:38 pm ET

I am an ardent Obama supporter and Congressman Lewis can keep his vote. Obama will win with or without his support. If nothing, I have lost any little respect I had for him. Talk about a fair weather friend!!

David, Hartford   February 27th, 2008 2:37 pm ET

This is like a wave now. Another Senator today – who also is a super delegate – also has endorsed Obama. This support is going to continue to grow each day. Hillary lovers need to get on the right side and stop hating on Obama who is quite obviously the nominee, as March 4 will surely prove.

Richardson is going to endorse Obama tomorrow.

David, NJ   February 27th, 2008 2:37 pm ET

The guy has to be re-elected in Georgia and besides he offered support for Hillary before the race. Now that he sees the Obama train pulling away from the station he needs a ride.

ALL stop...................1600 Pennsylvania Avenue!

JFKDEM67   February 27th, 2008 2:37 pm ET


EBK   February 27th, 2008 2:37 pm ET

I always start with I am an Obama supporter but to Lewis" whatever". As someone stated, he wouldn't have endorsed Obama if he wan't leading in polls. Politicians only think of themselves. I mean look at Edwards. He's holding out hoping to get a VP or some other role. Politics! Uhg!

Ray - NJ   February 27th, 2008 2:36 pm ET

No Suprise. BUT, If that's they way Georgia voted, I understand. Now time for Kerry and Keneddy to join Hillary!!! Their state pick Hillary right??

anonymous   February 27th, 2008 2:36 pm ET

Down goes Fraiser, Down goes Fra..Clinton..

Mark Puglisi   February 27th, 2008 2:35 pm ET

Is it just me, or does this have the distinct ring of another brick tumbling down from Hillary's "firewall" of Ohio and Texas?

Summer   February 27th, 2008 2:35 pm ET

Wow. A politician who waffles? I've never seen that before...

RPF   February 27th, 2008 2:35 pm ET

Way to stick to your guys, Rep. Lewis. Another flip-flopper.

richard   February 27th, 2008 2:35 pm ET

Can you say turncoat?

Tom Catt Minneapolis Minnesota   February 27th, 2008 2:35 pm ET

This says more about John Lewis's wishy washy hypocrisy than anything else. I can't believe how much race is an issue in this campaign. I'm ashamed of America.

Mr. MIller, Arlington TX   February 27th, 2008 2:34 pm ET

Congrats, to Obama he is the man to lead our country.

WallyWutMD   February 27th, 2008 2:34 pm ET

Come One! Come All! You have seen the error of your ways and have chosen wisely. You are forgiven. Welcome to the movement.

Jim   February 27th, 2008 2:34 pm ET

What a wimp. He didn't even have the guts to call Clinton.

Johnson   February 27th, 2008 2:34 pm ET

Good to hear. I think you should vote for someone not because they are your friend but because you think that they will be the best candidate to represent this country in the future. We need a change in our government and Obama is the way to bring about that change. I have lots of friends but I wouldn't vote for them to be president because some of them are just stupid. I think the duty to your country is greater than a duty to your friendship. Good job Lewis. Glad you are backing the right candidate. :)

BRO:BOBBY   February 27th, 2008 2:34 pm ET

Got Obama.

Dozirulf   February 27th, 2008 2:33 pm ET

And the hits just keep oooon comin'...

Clinton is toast.

Kevin in OK   February 27th, 2008 2:33 pm ET

This is supposed to be a big surprise? An African-American switching their support from the BEST candidate, Hillary Clinton, to Barack Obama, someone who is also African-American? Ha! SHOCKING.

The BIG surprise will be when all of these Barack Obama supporters wake up and realize they are supporting someone who is deceiving millions of people.

The Comet 21   February 27th, 2008 2:33 pm ET

We will see if Rep. Shiela Jackson-Lee listens to her constituents, and does the same here in Houston. She is also a Super Delegate.

They all stick together.......   February 27th, 2008 2:33 pm ET

Shameful! He must have forgotten all the President Clinton and Senator Clinton have done and will most likely continue to do for his district and his race.

Short memory I guess they have!

Xavier, Washington, DC   February 27th, 2008 2:33 pm ET

I guess he was worried about losing his House seat. Well, it doesn't matter how he came to the right team, so long as he finally did come over to the right team.

BRO:BOBBY   February 27th, 2008 2:33 pm ET

lewis switches from clinton to obama.Well i think it is the right thing to do.yes we do not need a big moma ,america need President Barack Obama.

Todd C.   February 27th, 2008 2:33 pm ET

BREAKING NEWS: John McCain is now endorsing Obama too! But he's keeping it a secret.

mike G   February 27th, 2008 2:32 pm ET

Great decision. Support for truth, hope and change is respectable.

pbj   February 27th, 2008 2:32 pm ET

Say goodnight, Hillary. Now if only the good people of New York would boot her out of office and Hillary and her sleazeball husband can slink off back to Arkansas - and we'll see whether the Emir of Dubai or Kazakistani despots still want to shower their millions on the Clintons.

Heather   February 27th, 2008 2:32 pm ET

Its about time. What was he waiting for. Maybe he was looking forward to reelection here in the ATL.

I'm glad to say that I was for OBAMA from 'day one'. LOL. We, the people, have our eyes on you superdelegates.

Richard   February 27th, 2008 2:32 pm ET

Lewis is a traitor. Obama is not truthful. The only thing Obama has going for him is his arrogant mouth. Like he is going to wave a magic wand and change everything in Washington over night. Yah Right! Wake UP America!

rob10001   February 27th, 2008 2:32 pm ET

Senator Clinton needs to back up her statement of respect for Congressman Lewis' decision to back Senator Obama by dropping out of the race for the Democratic nomination today.

female voter   February 27th, 2008 2:32 pm ET

The media was so biased. Very unfair!!! We should send emails to CNN, NBC... It is a shame for a civil society. This society still cannot accept a female president. I am not democratic. But in general I prefer demoncratic policies over republic's in the past. The reason that I support for Hillary is that she is the person who will make this country in order. She has that ability. She has my trust. She is a very strong and determined person. She really wants to make this country better. Otherwise she has no reasons to run for president. She had experience in white house already. I prefer that Hillary became the president and Obama vice president. That would give Obama a chance to gain experience. He then ran for president later. that is the best for demoncratic party and for the US. Once he has the experience, I believe he would be a great president to make things working. It is easier for him to condemn everything now, because he was not got the chance of being involved in any of these. But if he was there, he would be the same, no difference than any other politicans. Listen to his answer to the critism about deliberatly distributing false info about Hillary's health plan. He said that was the way people ran for campiagn. That means he would use the same tricks although he knew it was not right.

But if Obama is the nominee, I would definitely vote for Mcgain. It is not because I was mad that Hillary lose. We cannot cast our vote based on the anger. We have to base our believe on the fact who will be the best person for this country. It is because I have no trust at Obama at this time. I agree "we can't gamble my future with a 2-year-old rookie". Mcgain would be a better candidate than Obama. Although Bush failed in many ways, it does not mean that Mcgain will fail again. I have no doubt that Mcgain will run this country differently from Bush.

Farrell, Houston, Tx   February 27th, 2008 2:32 pm ET

Sen. Lewis had no choice, it's about damage control of the democrat party to stop the divisiveness. I'm sure the Clintons understand this and they too will continue to support the party regardless of what the nominee outcome may be. I don't think Sen. Lewis endorsement is to be taken as anything negative towards Hillary.

Mary Jane   February 27th, 2008 2:31 pm ET

Seriously, and people are so delusional that they don't think this is about race?

Anonymous   February 27th, 2008 2:31 pm ET

I keep hearing about all of this"change" that Barack is going to bring but I have yet to hear the media ask him exactly how he plans to do it. He has stated that he is going to change the way politics are done in Washington but i have yet to hear him tell us how. Remember, he has been functioning in those politics for awhile. Somebody needs to start asking him specifically how he plans to bring change. A great orator he is, but I don't feel that he can be compared to a John Kennedy.

viorioieca musca   February 27th, 2008 2:31 pm ET

Shame on you Lewis

Becky in Indiana   February 27th, 2008 2:31 pm ET

Wise choice. I'll be voting for Obama as well.

Bouba NY   February 27th, 2008 2:31 pm ET

This is the right thing...because one vote shouldn't be over another vote. We are one nation and we should live upon our principles.
The democratic nominee should't be picked by superdelagates, but by the voice of the American people.....
I will not be mad if Ted Kennedy will give back his vote to Hillary as she won his sate and won it with a huge margin.....
We got to be fair and follow the law...and the rules

Nelson   February 27th, 2008 2:31 pm ET

As Nelson would say, "HAW HAW!"

Javer - New Jersey   February 27th, 2008 2:31 pm ET

Can we now say that the race is all but over for Clinton? OBAMA '08

The Comet 21   February 27th, 2008 2:30 pm ET

It is pretty hard to go against the voice of the people. It is respectable that he could put his personal relationship with the Clintons to the side, and let his political actions do the talking.

He knows that he has to be re-elected and if he does not listen to his constituents now, why would they believe he will later.

Corey, Maryland   February 27th, 2008 2:30 pm ET

And so the beginning of the end for Hillary begins!!! I'm not complaining though. Im also glad that Rep. John Lewis was able to see the light, and cross over from the dark side of the democratic party!!!

Obama Richardson 08!!!!!!

cjl   February 27th, 2008 2:30 pm ET

The rats are jumping from the sinking ship.

Politicians are all alike – they have no backbone – they will bend with the wind.

Basquale   February 27th, 2008 2:30 pm ET

It's time that the democrats finally get a nominee, who can start fight against McCain. The worst thing which could happen to America is that McCain will become the President. And it wouldn't be only the worst thing to America rather to the entire world and Americans would loose even more respect.

So to all supporters of both the democatic candidates stop talking like you would rather vote for McCain than the democratic oponent. It'll be a fatal decision!

Maxine   February 27th, 2008 2:30 pm ET

Good for him, but I think Hill is in this until the very end. She will win in Ohio; because she is telling them what they want to hear. It will be close in Texas. Vermont is for Obama and RI for Hill. So with this in mind the Clintons will spin it, to say she is the come back kid -again and she carries all the states that matter.

And we know Georgia doesn't count. Clintons words not mine. I find it interesting; why do we even vote in the other states if all that matters is CA, NY, FL, OH and TX. What is the point....the Clintons have said that all along those were the only states that mattered......

Wayne   February 27th, 2008 2:29 pm ET

Yep. No need for the band to continue playing like on Titanic. If the ship is sinking...JUMP. Wise move. Obama will be our next President of the US. Ignore polls that suggest that McCain would win. The polls do not take into account voter turnout. They just ask 1000 people the same question and tally the results. These polls suggest that Repubs will have equal turnout to Dems which I find highly unlikely. What will it say about America..if when confronted with a competent and capable candidate who happens to be black..we stick with the status quo and choose the crusty old white guy.

Proud Californian   February 27th, 2008 2:29 pm ET

DUH???? Just look at the color of his skin!! The notion that Lewis switched his support because his constituents carried Obama was just a pure non-sense. Doesn't he have his own belief and conviction? Not that his endorsement matters because it really don't......look at what Kerry's and Kennedy's endorsements of Obama did....did Obama win MA and CA? The answer is a big NO !!!

What a longtime "friend" he is!!!

McCain will get my vote if Hillary is not our nominee!!!

Anonymous   February 27th, 2008 2:29 pm ET

two sentors and one frm gov. Endorsed obama today.

we will see Sentor John Edwards and Frm VP Gore and Gov Richards of New Mexico Endorse obama before March 4th.

Go Obama 09

Tina   February 27th, 2008 2:29 pm ET

These superdelegates coming out and switching support of one candidate over the other is unnerving. I thought the purpose of the superdelegates is so they would "do their job" not necessarily go with the popluar vote. We are going to be in big trouble come November if Obama is nominee. He will absolutely lose some of the would be supporters today. Put him against McCain and look out.
The superdelegates should be preventing the American People from making what will be another huge mistake for 4 more years in this country if they elect Obama as the nominee. As well, they should be fearful of their own positions, they are the ones he continues to say needs to go from Washington Politics in the first place. This is all a bit too much. We have got to be the laughing stock of the world, once again.

Matilsky NY   February 27th, 2008 2:29 pm ET

It's now time to back our nominee Obama and get the dems the White House.

king from toronto   February 27th, 2008 2:29 pm ET

not going to say anything negative about hillary.but america is waking up,an uniting the party around PRESIDENT obama.we can do this .yes w can.

Chuck in Oregon   February 27th, 2008 2:29 pm ET

Ouch, that hurts. The question in my mind is what changed his mind. Was it in fact the way the people in his district voted or was it a combination of things plus his distirct? What ever the reason, that hurts.

Kelly Anne   February 27th, 2008 2:29 pm ET

Hillary is doomed.

Please quit now and leave gracefully - for the good of the party!!!!

Don't drag this out and hurt the party in November!!!!!

Please Hillary, PLEASE, drop out now!!!!!

Mike   February 27th, 2008 2:28 pm ET

When Clinton endorses Obama – will you all still support McCain despite your candidates support of Obama?

If so, what logic is their behind that? Clinton WILL endorse Obama and anyone who votes for McCain is either 1. A moderate conservative, which is fine, or 2. Someone who doesn't care about the issues.

If it is the first one, and your reason for voting McCain is that you are a conservative, please just acknowledge this. As an independant, I respect conservatives just as much as I respect liberals and moderates – but I certainly do not respect conservatives who would vote for Hillary to spite McCain nor do I respect liberalswho would vote for McCain to spite Obama.

From PA   February 27th, 2008 2:28 pm ET

of for race..

I call all women to vote for hillary.....than people will see voting for gender or race is not the way to vote......

clearly obama lost the debate......this is the damage control thats going on

Obama all the way...   February 27th, 2008 2:28 pm ET

Welcome !!!! Another one jumps on the Obama train!!! Smart man!


Murry   February 27th, 2008 2:28 pm ET

Thank you, Mr. Lewis! You did the right thing.

Obama 08

Gabriel   February 27th, 2008 2:28 pm ET

The first domino falls.

James   February 27th, 2008 2:28 pm ET

Wow its looks like the beginning of the end for Hillary.

Tom, Sacramento, CA   February 27th, 2008 2:28 pm ET

Who cares what he thinks?

lily   February 27th, 2008 2:28 pm ET


mike   February 27th, 2008 2:28 pm ET

ride the obama wave all the way to the white house. all aboard!!!

Darth Vadik, CA   February 27th, 2008 2:27 pm ET

It is so unfair in this country that for the first time a black man or a woman could be the next president of the US.

God I wish they could both be presidents, and whoever wins the nomination I will be happy for him or her, and shed tears for the one that lost.

Jarhead   February 27th, 2008 2:27 pm ET

"She respects his decision"? What else, pray tell, could she do??? Pitch a blue hissy fit in public???

Jason   February 27th, 2008 2:27 pm ET

Its amazing people can not even stick to their original choice. Its like watching a high school popularity contest to see who else wants to be seen with the "in" person. Has everyone forgotten about the issues and experience? Seems the media has helped this one into the bag and decided the contest.

Wilhemina   February 27th, 2008 2:27 pm ET

Congrats Rep. Lewis, you just saved us from having to pay for the Clinton's pending court case in Los Angeles.

Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, you lost your super-delegate when you demonstrated that you did not know what "denounced" meant and neither did the news reporters or the clapping audience. You drove them right into a ditch. "Shame on Hillary!"

gracie   February 27th, 2008 2:27 pm ET

we already knew this!!! Why is this news again?????

Come on!

MC- Atlanta,GA   February 27th, 2008 2:27 pm ET

Though I back Hillary more than Obama – I respect his decision and think Obama is a great candidate and understand his change of heart. Keep up the good work John Lewis!

Veronica   February 27th, 2008 2:27 pm ET

I really have respect for black leaders like Stephanie Tubbs Jones who supported Hillary Clinton from day one and continues to support her even with the clannish mentality surronding Barack Obama. Should every woman feel obligated to support Hillary Clinton? John Lewis is just going for Barack Obama because he's the black candidate that can so called win.

Obama Supporter   February 27th, 2008 2:26 pm ET

That's more like it.

Obama '08

GOBAMA   February 27th, 2008 2:26 pm ET

Great decision. I hope others are inspire to make the same decision and do the right thing for America.

Come them coming!

Obama '08

edmond   February 27th, 2008 2:26 pm ET

hillary,it seems like u gonna be the only one standing

Patrick, Indianapolis   February 27th, 2008 2:26 pm ET

Add that to Senator Dorgan's endorsement and that is two more superdelegates for Obama and a net loss of one for Clinton. It is now Clinton 255 – Obama 201 (it was Clinton 260 – Obama 170). That means that since Super Tuesday where Clinton was supposed to have this thing wrapped up, Obama has gained 31 superdelegates while Clinton has lost 5.

Tim   February 27th, 2008 2:26 pm ET

Keep'em coming! Down the Clinton!

Tolu, Minneapolis, MN   February 27th, 2008 2:26 pm ET

Nothing like voting on the strength of your conviction, is there?

clarity   February 27th, 2008 2:26 pm ET

Lewis... what a rat... clearly looking out for what he thinks are his best interests. Won't he look foolish if Hillary carries Texas and Ohio!

Sharon of Illinois   February 27th, 2008 2:26 pm ET

Even though I am an Obama supporter, he should have kept his decision with Hilary. I have seen him on news programs defending her and essentially putting down Obama and he seemed to really feel as though she would do a better job. That is the job of a superdelegate. In a perfect world, if he knew that he would support whomever his distract backed, he should have kept his mouth shut until the election in Georgia. Now he just looks stupid.

Karen   February 27th, 2008 2:26 pm ET

Tell the people that the world becomes very sickening and crazy! Political is very dirty and tricky! Obama is a liar!! I won't vote anyone for President because of b.s potical!! I bet Obama will be swron on Koran book but not the bible!! The world will be confused by the people. That's your choice to vote the wrong person like Bush!

Saad   February 27th, 2008 2:25 pm ET

Hillary fans are jumping ship one by one. It's a good thing the U.S.S Obama is near by to pick them up. :)

Brian   February 27th, 2008 2:25 pm ET

Another democrate wakes up! The call for change will be heard loud and clear from the primaries to the general election! Hope will have a new day in Washington!!!

Luke   February 27th, 2008 2:25 pm ET

Hilary I support you, and I believe you are the better candidate, but the momentum is so great for Obama that I believe it is a wrap.

raf   February 27th, 2008 2:25 pm ET

Oh cool, the Human Rights Campaign was there.

Eric_stay   February 27th, 2008 2:24 pm ET

Oh yeah.. it is just a matter of time before Hillary walks into the White House. It does not matter if Lewis swithces.. that steel lady has seen this all before. She always comes out stronger. We have seen very clearly how she has been mariginalized by media and 'friends' alike. She will be just fine.. Go Hillary go... Hillary 2008. Period.

Obamacan!   February 27th, 2008 2:23 pm ET

Thank you, Mr. Lewis. This is a great endorsement and will surely benefit Obama!

LaLa in KCMO   February 27th, 2008 2:23 pm ET


The news tickers has an article about McCain being hard to beat!

We HAVE to stick together! Obama-Hillary-Hillary-Obama ... we MUST keep a united Democratic party!

Let's not get divided! There are differences but none of them are too big to find a common ground!

Let's shift our fight to one against the Republicans!

Ruben   February 27th, 2008 2:23 pm ET


I am an Obama supporter, but I am certain that Lewis wouldn't have switched sides if Obama was lagging behind in second place. He is just siding with the winner instead of sticking to his committment.


OBAMA '08 –> It is time to restore America's place in the world.

One Million and Counting   February 27th, 2008 2:23 pm ET

Wait Til Obamas' Campaign Report Comes Out This Month ... 1,000,017!

Politics is not arithmetic. It's chemistry.

Praetorian, Ft. Myers, FL   February 27th, 2008 2:23 pm ET

Oh my...look at the "shock" in my eyes!! Another black leader lines up behind Obama.

Black leaders rely on black voters to keep their fridges full. Did anybody actually believe the Black Democratic caucus members would REALLY stick with Hillary to the bitter end?

I wouldn't want to be the only or the last black elected representative to support Obama. They would have hell to pay if he manages to somehow actually get elected in the national elections.

Brian   February 27th, 2008 2:23 pm ET

Thank you Rep. Lewis!

Obama '08!!!

Jim Morrison   February 27th, 2008 2:22 pm ET

This is the end, beautiful friend. This is the end, my only friend, the end ...

YO   February 27th, 2008 2:22 pm ET

Way to grow a pair John.

Vikki, Tennessee   February 27th, 2008 2:21 pm ET

This stinks.

C   February 27th, 2008 2:20 pm ET

Ready Set..Here come the haters..................

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@PrestonCNN: Nice Gardner reference. Political Junkies will immediately get it. RT @mikememoli and Bill Gardner smiles.
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@edhenrycnn: RT @gretawire i took a pic of cnn's ed henry on tv with cell and emailed it to him. yes, stuck in the 7th grade // i thought u were in HS!
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