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RB1 Genetics
Heritable Retinoblastoma

One copy of the
RB1 gene is damaged in all, or nearly all cells of the body.  This is because the mutation was inherited from a parent, or happened very soon after conception.  This is called a constitutional mutation. 

Children with a constitutional
RB1 mutation usually develop multiple tumours in both eyes,  A small number of children have one or more tumours in only one eye.

Sometimes, a benign "retinoma" is present in the eyes of blood relatives, indicating they carry a constitutional
RB1 mutation.  This is why the eyes of parents are examined at diagnosis of the child's cancer.

Non-Heritable Retinoblastoma

The child inherits one normal copy of
RB1 from each parent. Retinoblastoma occurs when both copies of the gene become damaged in a single retinal cell.  All of these children develop only one tumour in one eye.

About 15% of children with unilateral retinoblastoma have a constitutional
RB1 mutation.  However, when there is no family history of retinoblastoma, precise molecular genetic testing is the only way to determine if the child’s retinoblastoma is heritable or non-heritable.

Genetic Testing

When the
RB1 gene mutation is known for the person who has retinoblastoma, genetic testing of blood relatives can determine risk to other children in the family.  When genetic testing of a relative is negative, the individual does not carry the mutation, is not at risk and does not require further eye exams.

If the
RB1 mutation in tumour or blood of the affected child is not known, infant blood relatives should be closely followed with regular eye exams up-to age five, so that if tumours form, they are discovered and treated as early as possible.

Sensitive molecular genetic testing can identify the
RB1 gene mutation that caused retinoblastoma in 95% of families.  However, this is a complex task, requiring expertise and technology available in only a few specialized laboratories focusing on retinoblastoma. 

Molecular genetic testing is expensive and remains inaccessible to most families in the world.
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Canada SickKids Fdn Charity Business #: 10808-4419- RR0001; Kenya Registered N.G.O. #: 218/051/2008/003/5038; England Registered Charity Number: 111-11-33
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A molecular biologist looks for mutations on the RB1 gene at Retinoblastoma Solutions in Toronto, Canada.
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Unilateral Rb
Bilateral Rb
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Trilateral Rb
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Extraocular Rb
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Retinoblastoma is caused by errors (mutations) in both copies of the RB1 gene in a single retinal cell.  Most mutations can be detected through molecular genetic testing of blood from the affected person.
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