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Federal Election 2022 - Australia Votes

Federal election 2022 live updates: Polls open as Scott Morrison and Anthony Albanese make final pitch to voters

By Bridget Judd
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Polls have opened as Scott Morrison and Anthony Albanese make their final pitch to voters.

Follow all of Saturday's updates as they happen in our live blog. 

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Live updates

By Bridget Judd

Politicians (and those hoping to be) cast their votes across the country

Senator Eric Abetz voted at Blackmans Bay Primary School in southern Tasmania.

Senator Abetz is third on the Liberal ticket and is in a tight race for the sixth Tasmanian Senate seat. 

ABC News: Loretta Lohberger
Over in the ACT, Liberal Senator Zed Seselja was out and about at Gordon Primary School — as was his rival, independent Senate candidate David Pocock.
ABC News: Peter Lusted
ABC News: Peter Lusted
And over in the Sunshine State, Shadow Treasurer Jim Chalmers has cast his vote at Springwood State School in the seat of Rankin.
Rankin is a southern Brisbane electorate that straddles the border between the southern parts of Brisbane City Council and northern Logan City Council.
ABC News: Baz Ruddick

By Bridget Judd

Scott Morrison kicks off the morning in McEwan

McEwen covers 2,676 square kilometres to the north of Melbourne, and is currently held by Labor.

This morning, Scott Morrison was out and about handing out how-to-vote cards with Liberal candidate Richard Welch at Laurimar Primary School.

Mr Morrison said the community needs "someone who understands how it's growing".

“If you get that opportunity today, I think you’ll be an outstanding member of parliament,” he said.

During his visit, the Prime Minister was heckled by minor party supporters repeating conspiracies such as “don’t sign the WHO pandemic treaty”.

“Keep our bodies away from the WHO,” one UAP supporter yelled.

Mr Morrison was quick to reply “we’re not”.

“That’s a complete lie,” he said.  “You’re just making stuff up.”

Reporting by Jane Norman

By Bridget Judd

Voting gets underway in the Northern Territory

A steady stream of voters are turning out to the voting booth at Parap Primary School in Darwin, including incumbent Solomon MP Luke Gosling.

He’s looking to win his seat for a third time, running against Country Liberal Party candidate Tina MacFarlane.

Speaking shortly after voting, he said “there’s a mood for change”.

While there’s no democracy sausages sizzling at this polling booth, with Darwin’s famous Parap Markets just next door, punters can always pick up a democracy laksa instead.

By Caitlyn Davey

Polls open in Western Australia

The last state to open its polling booths, Western Australia has just officially opened the booths. 

By Caitlyn Davey

Long queues in Melbourne's electorate of Higgins 

That's the one Anthony Albanese visited early this morning. 


By Bridget Judd

Here's why the seat of Boothby is one to watch

Boothby covers the southern suburbs of Adelaide, beginning on the coast between Glenelg and Marino and extending inland to include southern hillside suburbs. It includes the suburbs of Sturt, Marion, Ascot Park, Eden Hills, Torrens Park, Mitcham, Blackwood and Belair. 

As the ABC's Eric Tlozek notes, the seat is held by a 1.4 per cent margin by departing Liberal MP Nicolle Flint:

"It is the only marginal seat in this state, but it is probably one of the country's most geographically and demographicicly diverse. It starts in the Adelaide Hills in the east where most of the booths go green, and then [moves] to more affluent areas wither they go for the Liberals, and then to the Labor and then once you get to the coast, back to the Liberals.

"It has been gradually creeping closer to Labor after being held by the Liberals for a very long time. You get a taste of the mood of the country with a different spread across demographics, across different parts of South Australian society and I think what has been really interesting this election is how tight the contest has been in Boothby, and how much attention this seat has received from the major parties."

By Caitlyn Davey

The best baked good puns

Bill Shortenbread or Jacqui Lambingtons - plenty of quality baked good puns kicking around. 

ABC News: Loretta Lohberger

By Caitlyn Davey

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Anthony Albanese starts election day in Higgins.

By Bridget Judd

Everything you need to know about how to vote on election day

For some folks, today means democracy sausages and a chance to have your say on how the next three years will look. For others, it's all a bit confusing.

If you're in the dazed and confused category, never fear.

Triple J Hack political reporter Claudia Long explains preferential voting and how to vote above and below the line here:

Wondering how politics actually affects you?

What are all the different levels of government, and how do they work together – and against each other?

Nour Haydar breaks it down for us:

What about money? The government racked up more than $300 billion in debt during COVID … so who's going to pay for that? And how bad is it?

David Chau explains government debt:

If all this polling day stuff has whet your appetite for politics, we can also help you there.

Our Politics Explained (Easily) series is geared up to as the name suggests, explain politics in simple terms.

By Caitlyn Davey

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Liberal candidate for Warringah Katherine Deves casts her vote.

By Bridget Judd

Politicians begin to cast their vote in marginal seats

Kristy McBain has been the member of Eden Monaro since 2020, after retaining the seat for Labor in a by-election.

The margin was just 0.9 per cent but Labor are favourites to retain. Ms McBain says she's been campaigning hard and isn't taking anything for granted. 

ABC News: Isaac Nowroozi
Meanwhile, over in the marginal seat of Gilmore, on the NSW South Coast, Labor's Fiona Phillips is starting her day at the Bomaderry polling booth where she's expected to cast her vote. 

The Labor MP holds the seat by just 2.6 per cent and will be tussling with Liberal candidate and former state transport minister Andrew Constance to retain it.

ABC News: Jessica Clifford

By Bridget Judd

Anthony Albanese starts the day in Higgins

ABC political reporter Matt Doran is travelling with the Labor leader:

"Anthony Albanese is trying to catch the early voters at this polling station in the Melbourne electorate of Higgins. It's currently held by the Liberal Party by Katie Allen, one of the more moderate voices within the Liberal Party.

"But she's facing quite a challenge from Labor and also some of the other independent candidates, the minor party candidates in the seat, hoping to capitalise on what could be voter dissatisfaction with Scott Morrison and his government.

"It's an early start for Anthony Albanese here in Melbourne. He's then going to be heading to his home state in NSW where he will cast his own ballot. I guess he will be voting for himself."

By Caitlyn Davey

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Shadow Treasurer Jim Chalmers casts his vote in the electorate of Rankin.

By Caitlyn Davey

Pre-polling gets colourful 

These guys rocked up to the pre-polls yesterday in Newcastle kitted up in their finest for voting. 


By Caitlyn Davey

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Anthony Albanese talks to News Breakfast in a last pitch to voters.

By Bridget Judd

Tim Wilson looks to defend seat of Goldstein 

Reporting by Kristian Silva

A bitter campaign on Melbourne's bayside will finally come to an end today, as voters cast their ballots in the seat of Goldstein.

At the Beaumaris Secondary College, the cheery volunteers and democracy sausages bely what a tense local campaign this has been.

The affluent Bayside seat of Goldstein has been a Liberal stronghold for decades, but the sitting member Tim Wilson could be toppled today by independent Zoe Daniel.

In recent months, there's been legal threats, smear campaigns, and posters of the candidates have been defaced. It's shaping up as a two-horse race, and both candidates have been talking up their chances of winning.

Mr Wilson is out making his last-ditch pitch to local voters, chatting to them as they line up on a chilly Melbourne morning.

By Caitlyn Davey

Early birds get the snacks

Many Aussies have already gotten to the polls to cast their vote and obtain some sustenance. 

Kenmore State School in Brisbane. ABC: Daniel Colasimone
Voters line up at the booths in Coolangatta in Queensland. ABC News: Kimberley Bernard.
Early voters queue up at Aranda Primary school in the ACT. ABC News: Peter Lusted
Brendan stocks up on sauces at Macquarie primary school in ACT. ABC News: Peter Lusted.

By Bridget Judd

In some lighter election news...

Very important question - has an Antony Green bingo card for tonight been released yet??

-Bingo fan (yes Bluey fan too)

I don't have one for tonight, Bingo fan, but I reckon this stands the test of time.

Credit: Robert Allen and Chris Rees

By Bridget Judd

Voting has now opened in South Australia

That includes at Black Forest, in the state’s only marginal seat — Boothby, held by the Liberals on a 1.4 per cent margin.

Nicolle Flint has retired, opening up the race to Liberal Rachel Swift and Labor’s Louise Miller-Frost.

The Greens and independent Jo Dyer may also go well in the inner-southern Adelaide seat.

Other seats to watch in SA include Sturt (held by Liberal James Stevens) and Liberal vs independent contests in Grey and Mayo.

By Caitlyn Davey

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Play Video. Duration: 9 minutes
Prime Minister Scott Morrison makes his final pitch on News Breakfast as polls open