
How Reading Can Change Your Life

You may have heard that your memory has improved in reading, and if you are a writer, it’s a big help. There’s more to reading great books than knowing how to make you smarter.

A great book tends to make you realize that the world is a better place and more satisfactory to your life and purpose. What is fascinating – and perhaps counterintuitive – is that it allows you to improve yourself. It isĀ how Blinkist helps you read more.

Ideas why reading great books will change your life.

The Sense of Connection

If you are a writer, you must have experienced a connection with the person at the other end of the conversation, who is the author. You will feel this connection. You may feel as if you have left or experienced a current situation.



A book can double your empathy. It can help you connect with the person, the protagonist, who is telling your story and hope that the reader understands your situation, even if you disagree. It allows you, as you try to understand them and put yourself in a position to look and also connect with a person.

Teaches Humility

Each book you read opens a new window on the universe and lets you explore and expand your horizons. It also invalidates the “I know everything” ego because, as you explore, you are analyzing something completely new every minute. It can allow you to understand the facts. You become humble when you know you have no answers and no one to turn to.

Relieve Stress

Book will attract the reader’s attention, time will cease to exist, and your mind will be wholly occupied with what awaits you. It will prevent you from fear, anxiety, and stress. All you want to know is what would surprise you.

Pure Happiness

It is a source of pure happiness that no one can read or dislike. The time you spend with books should become an investment, and the return on these investments is the joy and pleasure of living them, the joy of hearing about them, and the joy of making a new friend through them.