Redux 2020

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Thank you to everyone who helped to make
Redux Online 2020 such a success!

"Thank you so much for having these special webinars. Relevant inputs, theories and practices that could be adapted. Something essential to help us learn effectively in these new normal. Thank you for having knowledgeable & brilliant speakers."
Irish B. Lachica, Department of Education

"Great to see a focus on the environment from a publishing conference. Usually this subject is notable by its absence in publishing forums, like, for example, the Scholarly Kitchen, or Outsell."
Tristan Collier, Cambridge University Press

If you weren't able to attend any of the webinars live, the recordings now are available on the Cambridge Engage website.

Webinar 1Monographs, open access and public policy: UKRI OA consultation 2020
Webinar 2Money and Mission
Webinar 3Open Access: Sales - Open Access business models for books and journals
Webinar 4Environmental Change – The Impact on Academics and University Presses beyond the Research 
Webinar 5An Altered Landscape: The Impact of Covid 19 on University Presses 

Please note the terms and conditions of use as stated in our Privacy Policy.

OECD wins inaugural University Press Redux Sustainability Award

OECD logoCongratulations again to The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development who won the inaugural University Press Redux Sustainability Award for its SDG Pathfinder.
You can view the presentation on Cambridge Open Engage.

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When is the next Redux Conference?

The next University Press Redux Conference will take 17-18 May 2022 and will be programmed by Cambridge University Press. 

Contact us

If you would like to be kept up-to-date with news on Redux 2022 or you are interested in sponsorship, please contact: Susie Brown E: T: +44 (0)7594 766084 or Lesley Ogg E: +44 (0)7740 702848