Special Interest Groups: Open to join

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Special Interest Group: Library Publishing

Leaders Cath Dishman, Liverpool John Moores University (Co-chair)
Rebecca Wojturska
, University of Edinburgh (Co-chair)
Open to Members and non-members

The ALPSP Library Publishing Special Interest Group is a unique place for professionals to come together and discuss their internal publishing activities, share knowledge and discuss industry trends.Topics for discussion will include: workflow systems and models; technical issues; resource; financial models; editorial and production matters; promotional and marketing activities (internally and externally); licenses; indexing; reporting; publication ethics; policy-writing; service provision; measuring success; collaboration with other groups internationally; and more!

The SIG is led by Rebecca Wojturska – who runs a library-based hosting service at the University of Edinburgh and has an extensive background in academic publishing – and Cath Dishman – who runs a library-based hosting service at Liverpool John Moore’s University and has an extensive background in academic librarianship. The group is primarily geared towards library publishers, those who are interested in learning about library publishing activities with an aim of launching their own initiative, as well as service providers interested in discussing the future of collaboration with library publishers.

Get in touch if you require more information about the ALPSP Special Interest Groups.